
New Metal Member
Jun 28, 2007
Hey guys, I'm new here, I'm a big Anthrax fan. I've only seen the band live once though. Hope for more opportunities in the future! I come from the Vengeance Rising message board. If you don't know, that band started off as a Christian thrash outfit in the late 80's. After the first two albums, vocalist Roger Martinez was the only original member left in the band. He went on to release two more albums. After renouncing Christianity and leaving his position as pastor of Sanctuary church, he has become quite an outspoken atheist. Anyway, he's putting out a new album called "Polemic" which he is working on now finally with a new lineup, still called Vengeance Rising. Just thought some might be interested in this new, being thrash fans and all. I don't mean to spam the board or anything as I look forward to talking all kinds of thrash here, but feel free to stop by for any other info regarding the band, as Roger is posting weekly there now, and this will be my first and last post about the band.

Other info about me... um, my two favorite thrash bands are Kreator and Overkill. Testament ranks up there as well. Anything else I'm sure you'll learn in the near future :kickass:

Thanks for having me,

Dude, I'm not trying to burst your bubble or anything but Roger was the weakest link in V.R. And they're much better off without him!!

Don't know if you've heard any of the Once Dead material but it smokes!!!
This band was always just OK. For Christian thrash I always loved The Crucified, and Living Sacrifice much better than Vengence Rising. I haven't heard much from them in a long time. I find it pretty interesting they go from a Christian band to Athiest. Is that "Selling Out"?? Who knows lol who cares I guess
Great band Flu boy. Got one of their albums but I can never remember their name.
Great band Flu boy. Got one of their albums but I can never remember their name.

Forgot about Believer they had some pretty good stuff, kinda similar to Exodus with DRI vocals. ...... what about tourniquet lol I also liked a band called Focused. I think the Crucified dominates all Christian bands though. It's funny that Phil Anselmo was wearing a Crucified Tshirt in the "Mouth for War" video then now seems like his is infactuated with satan lol
Tourniqet, Deliverance, Mortification - great metal bands with a Christian message.