Venom - "Metal Black": a review


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
I decided again to post reviews of forthcoming albums for 2006 (if I can), and found one of the most expected ones today, so here it goes.

Antechrist: for starters Cronos vocals hadn’t lost a bit since the classic days, second Venom is thrashing now! The music is more polished than in the classic days and if owing a lot to themselves or early Sodom, the composition is less raw. I like this one a lot.

Burn in Hell: the production may be the only thing that gives a clue that this isn’t a 1980’s album. A perfect mix of NWOBHM and early thrash, reminds a lot of Warfare which is logical since they were produced and influenced by Venom. The drumming is very good and the guitars are a bit raw considering the production, of course that also reminds of Goddess Of Desire, great straight metal.

House Of Pain: this one is rougher and reminds me of early Venom, a song without much structure. Few bars repeated again and again, around 3:00 the guitar solo starts but again it’s buried a bit under the base, don’t know if on purpose or faulty production. This song proves Venom was a forerunner of the BM movement, only the song came in 2006 and it’s not a compendium of insane blast-beats and shrieks, not as interesting as the first ones.

Death & Dying: more of the newer Venom thrash, this time the guitar solo is more prominent, and the song also reminds me of old Celtic Frost, only better played :lol:

Regé Satanas: more active like the beginners, reminds so much of Goddess Of Desire that hurts the notion that these guys actually influenced the Dutch band, kind of who made who?
I’m sure the fans of Venom and old raw thrash will dig this one a lot.

Darkest Realm: at this point the similarity of this album with a GOD one is so big I’m not longer sure what am I hearing. The solo on the other hand is one of the best for this album and it’s followed by a prominent drum part that surely will make this one a neat song for a live presentation.

A Good Day To Die: fast one, very energetic and very Venom.

Assassin: good speed metal ponderous and energetic, the simple chorus spells ready for live use too and the riff kicks big time. Another of my favorites.

Lucifer Rising: this slows a bit and goes back more into classic Venom. Even with modern production the songs exudes rawness and again it also reminds of Celtic Frost, except for Mykus guitar playing which is very neat on this one and of course old school.

Blessed Dead: very thrashy too but on the mid-tempo range. Another with the guitar buried under the rhythm base and not showing much of Mykus ability.

Hours Of Darkness: a type of oriental melody is mixed with a heavy mid-tempo base on an almost doom type of song, almost sound like doom/death by moments. So far the most interesting song in terms of melody and structure.

Sleep When I’m Dead: glued to the previous one this tune reminds again of early Sodom or Celtic Frost, simple, raw, energetic.

Maleficarum: the longest song of the album (6:04) goes between mid-tempo thrash and doom/death. The riff is dense and ominous, the solo is again buried under the base and barely reveals its presence on the first one, but comes better on the second time (albeit shorther). The kind of song that will appeal to Venom fans and doom fans too.

Metal Black: the title (and last) song starts with a fast rapping and in seconds develop into furious fast thrash in the pure early Sodom vein (I was listening to “Obsessed By Cruelty” earlier and this one could fit there perfectly), the middle part is raw and noisy and goes to the end rapidly without much ceremony.

Final verdict: pure uncompromised raw metal, very recommended for fans of Venom, Sodom, Celtic Frost and Goddess Of Desire. Very good comeback (of sorts) for the UK band that put Black into Metal.

NP: Vindex - 'Shadows Fly'