VersaEmerge/Paramore Type Band

The vocals sound dry and don't sit too well in the mix IMO. The instrument mix sounds good though. Maybe try a bit of delay or more verb.
This is awesome, i'd throw a room on the snare and toms. make them gel a tad bit better. Needs that huge rock sound IMO. Maybe snare down like .5db too. The verb should solve that though. But thats just me...

Definitely the vox needs delay to fatten it up and fit more too. way too dry.

other than that, AWESOME
You've got a lot of issues with tracking - some of the guitars are out of tune, and a lot of the vocal parts need tuning or retracking.

It also sounds like you did a lot of the vocals in one take, where having her punch in would let them sound bigger/more natural (IE; now you can hear her running out of breath in lines and dying off in sections).

The drums are way too metal, as well. Kick needs to be softer, snare needs to be fatter, and you need to work on the velocity of the cymbals as it's obvious they were programmed.