Verviers and Headwaypics online!!


the photographer
Hi all,

My ZH Verviers pics and the Headway pics are online on my site !! It didn't take as long as I expected because we found a freeware program called Webthumb, that makes it real easy to make webpages with thumbnails and popup windows for bigger versions!!

I also uploaded pics from Anthrax, Apocalyptica, Freak Kitchen and Dark Tranquillity to the site, if you're interested!!

Have fun browsing all the new pics and lemme know what you think, okay?
awesome pics!!! and site..,. so many memories :) headway, wacken 2001-2

So it was you that took the pic of Devin Townsend that ended in the booklet of SYL!?

wish i could copy some of those pics hehe

were you the big photographer in the Nevermore T-shirt?
@ Djöfull: thanx man, glad you like them. Yep, I'm the big guy :-)
and yes again, I took the Devin pic in the SYL booklet :-)
what pics would you like to have? I could send you some!!

@ iluvicedearth: it's easy to use my wife says and has alot of possibilities :-)