VERY annoying problem with touchpad


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA
Ok, so this problem is apparently intermittent. I have a Dell Inspiron 1525 laptop, going on 2 years old. Once in a blue moon, the touchpad will start acting will hesitate or lag once I touch it and drag. It seems to happen if I let the pointer sit idle for about 1 second then move it, it lags for a second or more. If I move it, let go, and quickly move it again, it works.

Tried searching and didn't really come up with any answers. Computer says I have the latest touchpad drivers installed. I figured maybe there's some process going on in the background that could be causing it but task manager doesnt show anything going crazy and my CPU usage is low.

Anyone? This gets really damn annoying. I do have a USB mouse I could use, but I just prefer the touchpad most of the time.

I can't really think of anything that would cause an issue, but have you installed anything recently that you think might be messing with it? Can you do a system restore?

In the case of switching to a mouse, I use a Logitech laser mouse with a micro receiver, it's an awesome mouse. If you don't like your current USB mouse I would highly recommend checking this one out;