Very bumming.....


Aug 31, 2001
Rochester, NY
I really wanted to go tonight to the Buffalo show, but it is just too damn early!!! If they were going on at say 11 or something it would be fine, but around 9:00 is way too early, and the bars are open until 4 AM??? WHY???

Your complaing about a late opening bar???o_O

I guess its pure numbers. So many of the fans for the gig (Opeth headlining...right?) are young so the gig needs to be over early so the kids can still go. Thats what i reckon anyways.

But i agree...too early.
What I am saying IS:

If the bar is open til 4 AM why are they starting the show so freakin' early? Most people in Buffalo don't even go out til 11 or so!