Very Inconsistant DI Volumes - What To Do?

The first pic looks like a punch-in. That is not normal for it to be that quiet like that. DI's are typically very dynamic, sometimes on purpose. I purposely play softer to get a different tone/feel.

What was the guitarist monitoring through? If you were changing pre-amp volumes, it sounds like he was monitoring just the DI, I think this is a bad thing. Way better to monitor with distortion, so then if they play wimpy like that, they hear what it is doing to the tone. Even if you redial it later, the player gets that feedback from the "amp" even if it is a sim.

I would probably try compression first. Then limiting. Just like using a compressor pedal. With how big the difference is, both probably won't work. Not sure about Audition, but in Cubase, each punch like that you get individual control. So I would probably normalize each of those to -3db or something. Or raise the volume of each clip until it sounded right. Or automate the DI which is essentially the same as raising the volume for each part. Won't take too long, and just work it till it sounds right.

Worst case scenario, re-track. Sucks...but such is life... This time with distortion or the sim mostly dialed. Or get a cheapy Behringer Ultra-G cab sim, that way the player can use his amp for DI monitoring and play appropriately with zero latency. He doesn't even need to every hear the actual DI.
The guitars were monitored through Revalver, he never heard himself clean at all. And the preamp button was definitely unchanged - in fact it's still right where it's been for a month, it's marked and taped. Like I said, I'm wondering if his volume knob wasn't up all the way. It's not an area where you would want to be playing softer either, it's a heavy section.

If you look at the second pic in my post I did automate the volume to even it out. That is what it looks like now. Seems to have done the trick.
automation/normalization is correct. i wouldn't compress/limit here. as long as you're still not poking past -3db, then normalization will give you the desired results. compressing will shave off transients/process the signal in an un-desirable way. it definitely seems like he knocked his volume knob. that's the only logical explanation.