VHT/Fryette Sig:X

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
I'm very new to VHT and Fryette, never tried them before trying the Deliverance a couple of weeks back, and I must say the Sig: X is a great amp! I love how the two gain knobs works a bit different than they normally would, perfect for tight ass playing. Anyway also first time I recorded a video using Celestion G12 T75 speakers. Sounds friggin awesome...


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I have one of these :D

Fucking cracking amps. I'm not too fond of the company mind you; seem a bit 'off' to me. I recorded our new album with it; mixture of Laney VH100R, and Sig X. Best three channel amp I've ever used!