VHT Pitbull

Genius Gone Insane

Aug 19, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
www. ̄\(°_o)
A young friend of mine is thinking about buying a VHT pitbull but wanted to get more info before forking out for it. He says it's a beast and sounded great at Guitar Center but I'd like to get some second opinions before he forks out that kind of cash. I haven't had the opportunity to hear one before.

I did a search in this forum and found some dead links. Any of you have any clips of this puppy? Any comments? I personally think he should get a 6505 with a good boogie cab, but maybe this amp is that good.
Pittbull UL's are sweet amps, but $$$$$. The tone is pretty distinctive and you either love it or hate it. I have a friend who plays one, and it's thick as all hell but VERY dry. If the kid doesn't have the chops, it will really amplify his inconsistencies - which can be good or bad. It can be good if it makes the player better. As for the guy I know with one, I recently mixed his bands demo (www.myspace.com/signsofdecay ), and he used his UL and an Engl Fireball from another dude we know. The nod for thickness goes to the UL, but it didn't have the edge of the FB. I don't think I'd ever play a UL...Maybe a Deliverance, but not an Ultralead.
I love them for leads... not too huge on them for rhythm tracks, though. They're insanely dry, articulate amps - probably the most articulate high-gainers I've ever heard.

Probably some of the tightest amps, too. They're incredibly tight down there, almost to the point that you don't need a TS, without sounding scooped or overgained like a Powerball
My impression of the pittbull is that it's a great amp, but if you're going for the usual highgain sound you're better off with a 5150 or a rectumfryer in my opinion. I'd really like to try and track onw with another amp because of the insane articulation of the amp. I thin it would reallt help in getting the notes to stand out in the mix.
I love them for leads... not too huge on them for rhythm tracks, though. They're insanely dry, articulate amps - probably the most articulate high-gainers I've ever heard.

Probably some of the tightest amps, too. They're incredibly tight down there, almost to the point that you don't need a TS, without sounding scooped or overgained like a Powerball

VHTs have quite the reputation for tightness. A VHT un-boosted- and I've never heard of anyone boosting their VHT- is tighter than my old boosted Boogie Mark IV, another amp it's almost silly to bother boosting.

I owned a VHT cab for a while; it was easily the tightest, clearest sounding cab I'd ever heard. It was too bright for my taste, though, especially with the Marshall I was using at the time. Apparently the heads are actually rather dark, and the bright cab compensates for that.

But yeah, they're some of the least forgiving amps going. There's no sag, nothing, just clear, dry gain.

For what it's worth, the build quality is stellar. Top notch, I'd say better than Mesa.