vice city has decreased the brevity of my emails with my sister


Aug 2, 2002
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one saved from pre-xmas:

As I am sure you are aware, Tolstoy CANNOT be compared to Dostoevsky in this regard because well, Tolstoy sucked and all he did was talk about everyday life and there was really no magic or vision in what he said. Dost. on the other hand was a prophet, how can you not realize that, when you're like the reincarnation of Kafka?
- xoxo M

to this:

you need the slow motion cheat.. that’s the only way to catch him. that’s what happened w/waste the wife.. she was in porche that was so fast you couldn’t catch it. I’ll get you the slo mo cheat.

xoxo MCB
nono, she means that she now has more to talk about now that she is not only being SCHOOLED as to the awesomeness of Dostoevsky in comparison to Tolstoy, but can intelligently discuss flying cars?
i didnt say tolstoy was necessarily better than Dostoevsky (the idiot is one of the greatest books of all time!!!) i was just telling her that i think in terms of human character, tolstoy is up there. she just absolutely HATES HIM (and she thinks kafka was a wuss pants)
myshkin! you know... he is like the person i want to find in the world so i can hug him and say it's okay, you know... to be all shaky and sad.

i am totally bailing out of work at least an hour early (5) or some crap.
I actually preferred the BK, which (although it's everyone's favourite) I really do think is probably among the best books ever written if not THE best. Alyosha and Dmitri and Ivan are three of the most real-seeming characters I ever got stuck in my head while reading.
BK is definitely good... i wouldnt say it was any less worthy than the idiot... but i just find for some reason that i always read the idiot over and over.. and not BK. the same with 'notes' etc. like, i just choose the idiot first... for some reason. maybe i'm an idiot?
i have also spent a total of actually only 7 hours playing the game since i got it. at the most. my roommate swears he kept track and it's only actually 5.

maybe the reason i stopped playing video games before was because guys kept going psycho on me like 'you're NOT PLAYING IT RIGHT ARGGHGHGH"
hey, the package map is totally acceptable, nay NECESSARY, to enjoying the game. it doesn't count.

PS I just picked up The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson and Stephen King's new short story collection so stick THAT in your highbrow pipes you foreign-author-reading twits!

(amanda you play the game the way you want to play the game. if I ever had anything to do with you not enjoying vice city I would have to kill myself)