Vick on 60 Minutes


I'm curious if any of you saw the Mike Vick interview on 60 Minutes this weekend? If so what do you think? He used to be the QB for my favorite team, naturally I was shocked that he was into this type of thing with the dog fighting and killing...Is he reformed? I don't know. I do think he's done time in prison for his crimes and now he must redeem himself. I'm actually suprised that he wasn't banned for life from the NFL as a result of the gambling that was going on. Pete Rose has yet to be reinstated and he was gambling...Anyway your thoughts?
My .02 - in all honesty i don't think the feds were pissed because of the dogs. It was the gambling. Some parts of Uncle Sam have a real hard on for tax collection. I don't know what to think of him as a person, I just hopes he makes the most ouf of his second chance and gets it right this time as a human being.
He used to be the QB for my favorite team
He was the overrated hype machine of your favorite team!! He's never been a QB!!:p

That being said.... (And I know this opinion is unpopular) But the dude did his time and I can't see any reason why he shouldn't be allowed to play football and earn a living. I mean if he was a plumber they wouldn't take away his right to plumb after he served his time.

I honestly think what he did was deplorable and dispicable but he took the punishment due and now should be able to sign with any team he wants (EXCEPT The PATS!!!!!) and make a living...My.02 anyway
Vick admitted to killings dogs by electrocuting them to death with jumper cables, hanging them with a nylon cord, drowing them in a 5 gallon bucket, and throwing in a family dog in a ring with pitbulls and laughed while the pitbulls tore that dog to shreds. IMO, Vick is a sick fuck who should not be fit for society, let alone be able to make millions of dollars in the NFL. Anyone that tortures animals the way Vick did is a very sick person.

Hank III :kickass:
breaks his spine
That's sounds like something Vick would do to a dog back in the day
I'm not here to defend Vick but he fulfilled his sentence as required by law
so its time to turn the page and get back to work
I wonder what the citizens of some Asian Countries would think?
As they have dog as the main course for a meal ... yumyum
Hinduism worships the cow as a god
the only thing most here would think about that is
if they want it with cheese and fries -

Now playing ... Pittsburgh Steelers - stairway to seven