Video Card Irq conflict causing hw buffer errors.

Joshua Wickman

Yes Sir!
Feb 11, 2009
Ok well after about 8 days and almost a heart attack from the stress of my new I7 build, I figured out my problems. If I disable the Video card, Protools will run great, no errors or anything. If I enable the video card I get 6088 hw buffer errors right away when i try and play any audio.

Now the problem im having is I want to use my video card drivers (cause protools kinda sucks with out them) but they share the same Irq as my Firewire Pci card. I even tried using the stock Firewire on my mother board and same deal. So is there any way to get around this by changing the Irq or maybe some other way so I can use my video card?

Motherboard is Gigabyte X58a Udr3 v1.0

Video card is POWERCOLOR Go! Green AX5450 512MK3-SH Radeon HD 5450 (Cedar) 512MB 64-bit DDR3 HDCP
Plug your FW PCI card into different PCI slot (if there is another slot), this will change IRQ number.
Maybe you should update motherboard BIOS for most recent version (this is usual procedure with new and relatively new motherboards).
Bios is up to date and I only have 1 Pci slot on my motherboard so I cant move the Firewire card. I tried moving the video card to 4 different PCIe slots though and it stays on Irq 16 on all 4 slots.
What OS are you running?

If its XP usually you can disable ACPI and then use the BIOS to control the IRQ's

This is the problem with most single PCI slot MOBO's they just tie the PCI slot to the Video IRQ cause they only think your going to be running something simple like a wireless card or extra usb ports. Something with high bandwidth like a firewire card most users wont run.

If your MOBO doesnt allow you to change IRQ's your fucked. Time to find a new MOBO.