video games that rock


Jul 30, 2002
Lost Angeles


just read about this ps2 game in the new guitarworld (which btw is an excellent issue -20-year salute to metallica's master of puppets) and checked out the trailer which looks killer.
comes with an plastic sg shaped five fretter to jam with on 30 songs - cool huh!
good excuse to finially get that ps2 i always wanted - besides i heard the new xbox aint all that
santa are you reading this cuz it's sold out everywhere...
I've watched some folks playing that at Fry's here in San Diego. Looks kinda interesting but they don't have a bass one. :p

I'm actually on my 2nd PS2! The first one had a hard life. I fell from the entertainment center 4 times, at 5 feet per drop, and I accidentally stuck it into a spinning ceiling fan once when moving it from one room to the other. They are pretty resilient machines. You can get good used ones for around a hundred or so from GameSpot, or you could wait till after Christmas and prolly get a new one for about the same price or less.
Metallicat180 said:
How on earth did you manage that?!?!???!? Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!

I was a bit frustrated because I had to shut it down and move it (someone wanted to watch the big tv), so I unplugged everything, grabbed the PS2, and extended my arm to pull all the cables up and out. Right before everything came loose, and because I wasn't thinking about it, the damn thing made contact with the ceiling fan. Got a nice white stripe down the back
if it takes that abuse - sold! i gave up games a couple years ago cuz my wrists were going numb alot. rj our monster is always playing his nintendo ds - the dual screen action is a cool innovation for games. the stylus game play looks like it wouldn't add to my tendon abuse.