Video interview in Swedish with Stanne from Gothenburg 070905

Nice interview.

Of course i didn't understand a thing, but i loved the deep talking voice and the sexy swedish language. :p
it's basically about touring. they've done a lot of it, obviously, including playing in a barn with half the roof gone in riga at 3am. the gig at swedish festival hultsfred was recorded, and will (along with more live material) be included on a fiction re-release.

plus, concerning the stage diving discussed recently somewhere, he says he's never really had any problems with security guards getting angry or so.
CM seem to be real leeches when it comes to squeezing out every possible penny out of a bands success. Fiction re-release? Why the hell do they do this kind of thing? Of course, everyones going to buy it, with the live footage and all. Why dont they release a DVD? It would probably take too long to have it ready for the xmas market. Stupid imo.
Fiction re-release is one of the stupidest things i've heard in a while. It's too soon to make a re-release, it's not like it's hard to acquire like The Gallery and The Mind's I, or that there can be an improvement besides the extra material. People who just bought it will think twice before forking out more money for it. It would be much better to just make a dvd or something else with unique material at a cd price. I feel like someone thinks we're fools, and i don't want a third Fiction (even though i will most probably get one).
CM seem to be real leeches when it comes to squeezing out every possible penny out of a bands success. Fiction re-release? Why the hell do they do this kind of thing?
It's for people like La Rocque. :p
CM seem to be real leeches when it comes to squeezing out every possible penny out of a bands success. Fiction re-release? Why the hell do they do this kind of thing? Of course, everyones going to buy it, with the live footage and all. Why dont they release a DVD? It would probably take too long to have it ready for the xmas market. Stupid imo.

It's quite a normal practice to re-release an album after some tme with extra goodies on it: Roadrunner does with with every [their] succesful band: Killswitch Engage re-released 2 last albums, Slipknot did, CoF too. The thing is - they don't put too much on re-releases, may be demo tracks and couple videos. IF we get Fiction re-released with entire Hultsfred gig - it's gona be fantastic.

Or it can be that a few clips would be released and the rest gone for upcoming DVD.

I think it's a good practice, I can see a few good points ;)
Ok, i just got aaaaaaall happy out of what he said about the Hellfest in France being the best fest with the craziest fans of the summer... I know it's not meant to me personnally but hey, screw it, i'll take it as such :D

Now i'm in a good mood again ^^

The voice-over sounds reaaaaaally Swedish btw :D
It's quite a normal practice to re-release an album after some tme with extra goodies on it: Roadrunner does with with every [their] succesful band: Killswitch Engage re-released 2 last albums, Slipknot did, CoF too. The thing is - they don't put too much on re-releases, may be demo tracks and couple videos. IF we get Fiction re-released with entire Hultsfred gig - it's gona be fantastic.

Or it can be that a few clips would be released and the rest gone for upcoming DVD.

I think it's a good practice, I can see a few good points ;)

I cant. I have plenty of digipacks that came along with some live or studio footage, but the point is that those were the first limited releases. They were not released AFTER the albums first release with no extras (I dont count those two tracks as extras).
I cant. I have plenty of digipacks that came along with some live or studio footage, but the point is that those were the first limited releases. They were not released AFTER the albums first release with no extras (I dont count those two tracks as extras).

Question though: how possibly can you release anything with new live footage when album isn't out yet? FICTION had videos on Japanese first press.

Well, you can all wait and whine another 3-4 years for a full-blown live DVD, I'll just buy a re-release now.
CM seem to be real leeches when it comes to squeezing out every possible penny out of a bands success. Fiction re-release? Why the hell do they do this kind of thing? Of course, everyones going to buy it, with the live footage and all. Why dont they release a DVD? It would probably take too long to have it ready for the xmas market. Stupid imo.

totally agree...

I would like to buy live and clip DVD instead of stupid re-release album.
Question though: how possibly can you release anything with new live footage when album isn't out yet? FICTION had videos on Japanese first press.

Well, you can all wait and whine another 3-4 years for a full-blown live DVD, I'll just buy a re-release now.

Why dont they cellect all the live footage and make a live-clip bonus DVD,much wiser than the re-release album only with Japanese live..
AS i interpreted Stanne I actually think it will be like a live-version of the album, along with other extra stuff recorded from other shows. Everybody here seems to think that it will just be the same album with a few extra live songs on it? However, in my point of view thats not what Stanne is saying ,but i might be totally wrong.

If u dont like the idea, dont buy it. I think all the livematerial from this summer festivals willl be amazing!
"a tour edition of the album" makes me think more in the terms of something they'll sell during the tour, but i guess we'll find out eventually. in any case the extras will be on a separate dvd.
of all words you recognize that? :p
you're absolutely right, he says he's had a lot of it so he's fine with continuing the touring.