Video interview with KATATONIA

something bout the interviewer makes me wanna punch him, he is too touchy and shi-, talking all up in their faces
Interviewer: "When I listen to the album it feels like I'm in ... a a nice..dersert."

Anders: "I have no idea what you're talking about"


Anders always tells it like it is:worship:

Also ya I think he is still very bitter about the Norrman brothers leaving. I think Katatonia is just as good as they have ever been, I think they have a strong following, I also think they worked very hard to get where they are today. And from Anders point of view for them to leave Katatonia now of all times is a bit strange. I mean Night is the new day was a very successful album, maybe one of the best written albums they have ever put out, and then to have a band mate of almost 15 years and about 10 years walk away would really suck. Also the fact that Fred just released a new album with October Tide would really be kind of hurt a bit. In my opinion the only thing that makes sense is that he just wasn't happy with the way the music was coming out, or that he just didn't enjoy being with Katatonia anymore. But yes I think he is upset with them leaving, I would be to if I just put out maybe the best album ever and my guitar player and bass player just leave after years of hard work.