video of nasa challenger ???

mick thompson

AKA: Ross Canpolat! SM!
Nov 3, 2005
Dublin, Ireland
erm... some of you may think its sick or something of me asking but has anyone ever come across a video of inside challengers cockpit when it blew up?

im just curious to what it must have looked like before the accident

i mean no disrespect to anyone related to any of the crew who died. im just curious.
I think the other one, the more recent re-entry burn up, would be more interesting to watch....

But I do recall seeing a video of the inside before the explosion, but I'm almost 100% sure that they never let the full cockpit vid out. And it was so quick anyway, it probably would have looked normal and then just go black.
There was cockpit footage released of the crew of Columbia (the orbiter that broke up during re-entry in 2003), but NASA claims the recovered tape cuts off about four minutes before the incident occurred.

It is my understanding that the 1986 Challenger incident -- particularly, investigators' alleged inability to conclusively determine how many of the crew members remained conscious for how long between break up of the orbiter and ocean impact of the crew cabin -- was what prompted NASA to implement cockpit video recorders for subsequent missions.
Yeah I bet the footage is so quick that it wouldn't even hardly look like anything for the Challenger video...the Columbia re-entry video might be "better" though. I guess in both cases it would also depend on whether or not the video feed cable gets physically burned/destroyed before any kind of destruction is evident in view of the camera. AND I also would suspect that unless there's a VERY high frame rate being recorded, then you probably couldn't even catch much even at slow motion. It's interesting to think about, though... I'm sure if there is footage of either of those shuttle incidents, they will never be released, and I can't imagine that anyone with access to them at NASA wants to risk their job and all of their savings in order to leak them! Did anyone ever see "World Trade Center" with Nicholas Cage? The scene where the tower is actually collapsing around him and his buddy is pretty intriguing to watch...I mean, everything around them is just being obliterated. A band with a big budget should do a music video like that!
I want a music video of a band playing in the foreground as animals run past them, fleeing from an approaching forest fire.

see i was watching nasa's greatest missions last night on discovery and it said that though it blew up the people were actually alive (but unconscious) and didnt burn up and actually died when they're bodies hit the water. the ship blew at around 75,000 feet and 2 members were able to close their suits and pressure themselves quick enough to stay alive but not quick enough to stay conscious.

when you hit the water at that speed water acts like concrete so there was nothing left of the bodies but they were still alive after the explosion.
Well it had its first non-astronaut, a school teacher was on it. It seems strange now but on the day it happened they brought out all the AV TVs and made us watch it in school then made the next class a study hall for everyone.

The "Throttle UP" jokes afterwords were horrible.
poor souls - but i guess it was better then i dont know. eg: being stuck in space and dying slowly without air or by hypothermia in the cabin. the second the pressure dropped inside the cabin they were knocked out so at least they went peacefully.

rip challenger crew
when you hit the water at that speed water acts like concrete so there was nothing left of the bodies but they were still alive after the explosion.

I've always heard that. But then WTF does concrete feel like when you hit it at that speed? :erk:
Concrete will give with that kinda high-speed impact, you'll make a fairly sizeable impact I'm sure. Surface tension in the water will remain very firm, so it's actually worse than hitting concrete.

Only thing worse would be hitting custard lol