So I need some help in video camera world

Drummer Dave Kinkade

I'm in the band
Nov 8, 2008
All over
Hey- I know many of you are into video editing and stuff and since Im not exactly the god of computers, I need some help.

My roommate and I just bought a Canon AVCHD recording video camera. Sick and expensive as fuck but when I tried to upload the files onto my computer to edit them in windows movie maker, it wont work. The files are saved on the camera as ".mts" files. I looked up all kinds of stuff and everything goes against everything else and its giving me a huge headache. Some say to download a codec, some say an AVS converter......Im going god damn crazy and I have videos that need to be filmed and edited ASAP for some very important things.....You guys for starters. Anyone have a clue about any of this stuff?
Thanks guys...Ya, see I have a BIG bitch with this......I read that most camera manufacturers are going this route now because its supposedly like the highest definition that you can get and whatever but the thing is, nothing in the instructions explained anything about how to edit this shit on PC and make it an actual movie etc, for youtube....its defined in the manual as "for recording to dump files straight to blu-ray, which I dont have and havent really planned on. Its quite lame that we spend $1500 on a camera and then find out that we have to buy more shit to make this work. Im really bent lol.

Anyhow, I somehow managed to rigg something with 8 different codecs and after hours of reading, watching video tutorials and bashing my head against the wall, I may have come to a light at the end of the tunnel. Its not exactly perfect but I think I may be able to make something work with this... Thanks for the help again said:
Adobe Premiere Pro (from version CS4 onward; support not included in the trial version - activation must occur to gain AVCHD support).

great that you've figured it out though dave. if it still doesn't work, let us know and we'll work it out for you :) it's the least we can do to get our precious videos :D
I'm glad you finally got it :) .

As Devourer said you can also use adobe CS4, but it costs ca. $4000, unless you download a pirate version. Which you can do.

As a recommendation, do what I do: Before buying electronic/expensive stuff, look up the model on Amazon and read the reviews, these usually help a lot because even though there're people that don't write good ones, there'll usually be very good and clear ones. This can help you in your decision too.

Good luck!