Need some help installing DFHS!!

Jun 2, 2005
Yeah.. after ma PC crashed, im installing everything again.. so far so good, drivers, soundcard, nuendo, many plugins, all is working well.

I really, really need to load up my template i did before the crash.. all i will miss is some drumsamples on drumagog and aptrigga, but that's it... the rest is like it was, like it should be.

Ok.. here comes the pain though:

Im re-installing DFHS, i've done everything like i should so far.. insert the DFHS CD 1, and copy the "superior" map with all the WAV files on a location.. in my case, F: superior.

Right.. so far so good, right?

Then i installed all 9 DVD's worthy of WAV files into that superior map... it contains exactly 35,5GB of WAV files.. just like it should.

Then i installed the plugin itself on the computer.. i have all the right locations, C:toontrack/superior for the program stuff, C:program files/steinberg/plugins for the "drummer" VSTi.

So, if im not mistaken.. that is about all i should do to make it work.. i mean, i got the library on F.. i got the plugin where it should be, and installed.. all i needed to do is put them together.
And so i did.. opened up nuendo 3, opened up "drummer", and then it asks me where it should get the WAV files from.. aka the sounds path.. i direct drummer to the library i installed on F.. and i do get a green smiley for that, meaning it detected it.
However, there is another smiley that does not smile, it just looks at me like a bum...

Here are some pics:



Does anyone know what the hell is going on? im clueless, i asked on the toontrack forums.. but so far, no help really.. maybe one of you had this as well? have to select the Drummer folder, 2 clicks and when you are into this folder (you see "ambience, hats, etc...") click Select. Your little face will smile :) have to select the Drummer folder, 2 clicks and when you are into this folder (you see "ambience, hats, etc...") click Select. Your little face will smile :)

Close! it was windows acting up.. see, i had the superior maps on all 9 DVD's that contain all the WAV files... i dragged those to the map "superior" like i was told to.. but somehow, it started creating maps within maps.. meaning, that in the map "superior", where the map "drummer" is located.. it started to create maps within that map.. meaning, that in the map "drummer", it created another "drummer" map! :zombie: :hypno: so that totally screwed up things, but now it's working like a charm.. i'll let this post live, if anyone has the same problem, here is your solution then.