Mac + Logic Express... from windows/cubase.


Aug 25, 2007
I just pulled the trigger on logic express and a new macbook. But I wasnt thinking straight I dont think before I did this... as now Im confused on how all the plugins I rely in are going to work :waah:

I dont know what logic express comes with, but I think the main thing I need is a cab impulse plugin since I rely heavily on them. So what is the mac alternative to boogex? Also are there any good sites for *free* mac vst plugins?
after checking things over.. there doesnt seem to be a free plugin on the mac for convolution. I think I might just upgrade cubase3 to cubase4 and stick with a crappy windows partition for recording.

Does anyone know of any convolution plugins for logic, before I take this route?
Space Designer man...It's in Logic Pro for me, check in the Express version. It should be under reverb plugins. I had the same dilemma for a minute until I realized it's in there lol. Tons of shit in Logic for sure.

so if you need logic pro 6 for CHEEEAAAPPP just PM me.

I hate Logic, but I love the plugins and spacedesigner in particular is awesome

I would do that, but I want something that works natively on on an intel mac. which is only 7.2 that I know of. I cant really afford an extra $700 to get pro. I guess im going to end up sending logic back and getting cubase 4 studio and sticking to a windows partition. This is going to make me cry now :(

After tons of searching.. voxengo will soon be releasing their plugins for mac. Im going to stick with logic express and a wait for the plugins. I will keep parallel install of windows in the meantime to apply impulses to guitar tracks until the plugins are released :D
No need to wait for Voxengo to release plugins for mac or to buy Logic Pro just for space designer. LA Convolver (not to be confused with the older plugin "Convolver") is a great freeware alternative. Universal binary, works great in Logic Express 7 and DP5 (only DAWS I've tried it in). Sounds awesome with most if not all of the impulse responses from this board (thanks everyone). Here is the link:
No need to wait for Voxengo to release plugins for mac or to buy Logic Pro just for space designer. LA Convolver (not to be confused with the older plugin "Convolver") is a great freeware alternative. Universal binary, works great in Logic Express 7 and DP5 (only DAWS I've tried it in). Sounds awesome with most if not all of the impulse responses from this board (thanks everyone). Here is the link:

Even better! Thanks for the link, macbook should be here before the end of the week, I cant wait now :D
just a quick bump and hopefully others can see the link above with the laconvolver. I got the macbook before logic express came in, I decided that garageband08 was good enough for my purposes and I have sent logic back saving me $300. I really only record guitar and bass for drums I use ez drummer. All of which work great with garageband!
No need to wait for Voxengo to release plugins for mac or to buy Logic Pro just for space designer. LA Convolver (not to be confused with the older plugin "Convolver") is a great freeware alternative. Universal binary, works great in Logic Express 7 and DP5 (only DAWS I've tried it in). Sounds awesome with most if not all of the impulse responses from this board (thanks everyone). Here is the link:
Damn it I was about to express you my love but then realized it was an Audio Unit plugin, so no Cubase :(
Very happy about Voxengo finally going Mac though :)