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Terrahawks too!! I need terrahawks
Mick Moss said:

Terrahawks too!! I need terrahawks
he he zelda used to scare the shite out of my little

i sued to like the way every time the zoids or whatever dem balls were got hit theyd go sponky eyed then roll off and the shutters would come down on em:tickled:
Anyone remember this?



i know it wasn't a kids program, but it was on of a sunday just before

just as i was eating me sunday dinner.
Me arld feller used to work for meccano on edge lane and they made this.

which he got for me .
fucking hell listen to me going on and im not even pissed.
bender the offender said:
oh yes, i remember the film.. suddently reminded me of vinny and jamie. oops :cry:


Ah, those are good pictures. Imagine scenes from that on a viewfinder.

@ Cerulean: I think I actually remember that cartoon because my older brother had some of the toys from it; if that's the one I'm thinking of. They were the size of Matchbox cars, but they were like mini Transformers.