Tyra said:There's that on-line Viking Drinking Game. Johan was the world champion at that! Then there is a really cool one that the BBC has on-line, where you get to plan and execute a viking raid to see if you'd actually make it back with a profit. Here is what I really want to know, though:
Does anyone have a WORKING version of hnefatafl for the computer yet, on-line or not? There used to be some on-line ones, but every single one of them had glitches in them (frustrating to no end when you're an hour into a game and just about to throttle the king and win...).
Tomasz said:I don't know it it's got anything to do with Vikings but while in Sweden I played Kubba a couple of times. Cool party/social game.
Give me the links, plz...Tyra said:on-line Viking Drinking Game
cool one that the BBC has on-line, where you get to plan and execute a viking raid to see if you'd actually make it back with a profit.
Renie Gamgee said:Give me the links, plz...
Norse Wrath said:
skinnywhiteboy said:thanks for the Viking Quest link, fun game! now if i could only keep my daughter from burning down the monastery every time she plays... ha!