viking games

There's that on-line Viking Drinking Game. Johan was the world champion at that! Then there is a really cool one that the BBC has on-line, where you get to plan and execute a viking raid to see if you'd actually make it back with a profit. Here is what I really want to know, though:
Does anyone have a WORKING version of hnefatafl for the computer yet, on-line or not? There used to be some on-line ones, but every single one of them had glitches in them (frustrating to no end when you're an hour into a game and just about to throttle the king and win...).
Tyra said:
There's that on-line Viking Drinking Game. Johan was the world champion at that! Then there is a really cool one that the BBC has on-line, where you get to plan and execute a viking raid to see if you'd actually make it back with a profit. Here is what I really want to know, though:
Does anyone have a WORKING version of hnefatafl for the computer yet, on-line or not? There used to be some on-line ones, but every single one of them had glitches in them (frustrating to no end when you're an hour into a game and just about to throttle the king and win...).

I have an offline version. It works in DOS, but it's a complete version with different table measures... If you want it contact me by email...
the best viking games are dressing up as a viking and re-enacting a raid... preferably into a frathouse! haha ahh
Tomasz said:
I don't know it it's got anything to do with Vikings but while in Sweden I played Kubba a couple of times. Cool party/social game.

Yeah, kubb is supposedly an actual ON game..Norse boccia, I guess. It's fun to play, and if all else fails, you can whip those things at eachother pretty damn hard when you get drunk and can't hit the actual gamepieces. Hrrm.
Also, it makes for some interesting conversations when you bring a set through airport security on the way back to Canada... Johan rules that game, too.
thanks for the Viking Quest link, fun game! now if i could only keep my daughter from burning down the monastery every time she plays... ha!