vikings! more vikings!!!!!

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I agree, Mel Gibson would make an amazing film...I'm just going to be waiting for Beowulf. I have to admit that the movie (visually) looks good, but ou can find numerous historical innaccuracies within the trailer alone. I'm not even anal retentive about things most of the time - but this is pissing me off.
what bothers me about Boewulf movie is
1st. there is already one that have been made not long ago and that i think is well done, considering: BEOWULF & GRENDEL Official Movie Website
with Gerald Butler as Boewulf and Stellan Skarsgård as Hrothgar. So.. making a new one is like... too much. (for me)

2nd. this new movie will be starring Sebastian Roché as Beowulf, Anthony Hopkins as Hrothgar, Crispin CLover as Grendel.....
i mean.... please! i really like those 2 last as actors, but featuring in a movie concerning the epic tale? i REALLY doupt it! Even if Roché is part french/scottish, and half the actors from the UK, the other half is STILL american.. I am not saying these actors are not good. For the first Beowulf, all the actors are mainly scandinavians or from the UK. but mainly scandinavians, even the producing crew, director, editor, scritps, etc are norhtmen. Its not a movie about actors, its a movie about a tale. the second american version is all about the actors.. just look at the names.. Anthony Hopkins, John Malkovitch, Crispin Glover, Brendan Gleeson, Angelina Jolie (O.o), etc...
at least there is no Brad Pitt (Troy) or Tom Cruise..

This is just pissing me off to see something i consider well done once being remade completely by another point of view(unconcerned), often steeling the essence of the first result. Although i totally agree the multiple point of view thing.. it just tend to happen so many times that the second-made product is only for money and not for art itself or the message. Anyway.. of course i'll have to see the second version of the movie to make my opinion, but dont count on me on seeing it in theatre >(
I'm pretty sure the new Beowulf is going to be animated, which means it's going to be gay and target the kiddies so they can sell happy meals and action figures, don't get your hopes up. Beowulf & Grendel was cool though, I went to a bunch of the film locations in Iceland last summer, it definitely had the feel, good atmosphere,
what makes you think it will be animated? i saw no hints that it will be ? : /
and even if its targeting children, well... as long as its not a walt dysney style movie, it wont bother me too much i guess.. as long as they dont miss the message and dont twist the story too much. of course if its for children, there will obviously be less violence and blood ( :( ) but in the other hand, i personnaly think that a child should learn as much as tales as possible before loosing its childish inocence. I mean.. i think that if you enjoyed as a kid stories, tales, sagas, fairy tales even, there is a good possibility that when tall and all, imagination is increased. thats what i think. so, its all good if the targeted audience are children, they will learn of another culture than the one they are in and therefore open their mind.
"October 25, 2006 - Filmmaker Robert Zemeckis is bringing his live-action/CG adaptation of the classic Beowulf tale to the big screen in three dimensions. A story in today's Hollywood Reporter reveals that Zemeckis is creating a version of his epic to be shown in Real D and other larger format 3-D theaters. The enhanced versions of the film will open the same day as the standard release, November 16, 2007.

Angelina Jolie, Ray Winstone, Crispin Glover and Anthony Hopkins are attached to star in the film which will utilize performance-capture technology, similar to what Zemeckis utilized on The Polar Express."

I have nothing against animated movies, and I agree there are some classics that target kids, but how many have been made recently? With all these big names and big budget attached to this, the studio is not going to take a risk and make something cool, they're going to play it safe so they can squeeze as much money out of it as possible. That being said, I'd still rather see them making Beowulf than another fucking video game adaptation, because you're right, maybe a few kids will actually pick up the real Beowulf and learn something.
Mel Gibson making a Viking movie would be one of the funniest things ever. The Vikings would probably be like neo-Nazis.
Mel Gibson making a Viking movie would be one of the funniest things ever. The Vikings would probably be like neo-Nazis.

where did you get this idea?
Gibson is not more antisemitic than any of us, at least if you are gonna post bs about someone you might as well back it up with something.
Just because Gibson had a jewish rant, that automatically put him in a certain category?
If I followed your train of thoughts this country would be plagued with neo-nazis and kkk members. Maybe you should look up the definition of neo-nazi ... I for one am tired of kids throwing around names and words they know nothing about.
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