when vikings decided to cross the pyrinees


Sep 26, 2006
North Iberia
not so long ago and somewhere around page 10 in vikings mythology thread we were talking about the fact that vikings never came here and bla bla bla...

I know have to announce that 10 minutes ago(on working hours so dont tell it loud cause i´m not suppose to use my pc for those matters)i have discovered that my fave vikings have decided to come prior to that tripp with dimmu in october, and do you know when they have decided to come..ON MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY!!!!! yeep..well they will start playing on the 18th of May(in Madrid) so i guess they will play at least till 12 o clock as my b´day is on the 19th...

could anyone receive a such a great b´day present???...the only thing is although i have seen the flyers and posters i have not seen it on amon amrth website so everything could be ruined on the very last moment..but so far, this almost 27 years old granny is extremely happy and want to thanks whoever(might be your beloved Odin)choosed that day for that gig!!!

I will raise a horn full of cake for you!:headbang: