Villains - Directions To Servants (DI's inside) Instrumental

Aug 30, 2012
I was able to get a hold of some really awesome stems through Sam Bottner of Barrier! Sam produced the new Villains album. The one song I asked for was Directions to Servants. Please feel free to give me some constructive criticism! Post your results in this thread!

My Remaster:

Vsts used:
Poulin_LeCab2 (Kalthallen + Mesa Rec V30 Ambient)
Poulin_LeCab2 (Ampeg SVT 8X10)
Battery (The overheads were already provided so I only had to worry about the shells. I used all Seraph samples except for the Paramore snare (blended with a couple Seraph snares) and Mapex Meridian birch toms.

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hello mate thanks for the di's but 2 questions..first: bass is pitch down-shifted? :S
midi have: kick,snare and 6 more hits,what is what? maybe a drum map will help. thank you
hello mate thanks for the di's but 2 questions..first: bass is pitch down-shifted? :S
midi have: kick,snare and 6 more hits,what is what? maybe a drum map will help. thank you

These files were uploaded to dropbox just how I received them (minus the vocals). I had to figure some things out too. I'm pretty much 100% positive that the bass isn't down-shifted. I ran mine through several Vsts to find good tone, but never found that it sounded odd. Keep in mind that Villains uses 8 string guitars as well as a 6 string bass. If there are overheads for the cymbals and the midi has kick and snare, what could the only other possibility be (assuming this bands uses fills)? Toms ;). I had to move a few things around but it was pretty easy.
i already know that are tom hits,but what key is what tom? and 6toms???? :S

also about the bass..may is not tuned properly?
i already know that are tom hits,but what key is what tom? and 6toms???? :S

also about the bass..may is not tuned properly?

I just went off of the song. I just listened to the fills and figured out which was which. I'm not really sure why there were extra hits in there. I just moved stuff around. The bass track soloed sounded fine to me.
Mixed this in about 30 minutes! probably needs a few adjustments but I think it's pretty decent! Crits and suggestions always encouraged
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Mixed this in about 30 minutes! probably needs a few adjustments but I think it's pretty decent! Crits and suggestions always encouraged

I'd definitely work on the guitars and overall mix. The drums seem to dominate your mix. Well, mainly just the kick and snare. Also, there were some high-hat clicks that aren't supposed to be there. They were in my midi also. I just deleted the extra notes. Thanks for the mix!
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I do something wrong but I dont know what. Can someone tell what is the tempo of the song? I know that until the minute 1:06 (aprox.) is 105 but from there I have no idea. Thaks ;)