vintech 273 v.s. Neve 1073


May 20, 2006
Katy, Texas
alright i have the option of getting a vintech 273 (which i already planned on getting) or i can get a pretty good deal on a Neve 1073.

i know the vintech has essential eq and is based on the 1073 and all that already but can anyone give me the benefits and drawbacks of each?
Well, if the Vintech is based on the 1073 why not just get the original 1073?

Never heard anyone bashing Neve, can´t go wrong.

You´ll have more detailed info on Gearslutz, search in there.

EDIT: OOOUUCCH! Dead thread! Didn't see the date...

Don't have or haven't tried one, but I'll chime in with some facts: Reissue of single 1073 preamp goes for 4300$... The AMS Neve model goes for 3400$... And finally, the Vintech 273 goes for 1700$, BUT given the fact that the 273 is a dual preamp it means that you get two preamps at a price of 850$ each, so it really can't compare to the original in terms of price...

Now, I myslef want to get 473 really BAD, and I've done extensive search looking for shootouts and test... One time, I was lucky to find a vocal shootout on Gearslutz with similar preamps in that price range, and man, did that Vintech blew them all away! (I wasn't the only one to hear it, many guys gave the similar comments;))

Anyway, hope that helps a little at least :)