
TB666 said:
Could someone translate that ??
I´æll try but my german is not perfect, Maybe some of it is incorrect
Heres some of it I´ll translate more later as I haven't got time for more now

you are calling from your hometown Skellefteå?
How is the weather there at the moment?
It has been a pretty warm winter sofar, I live in North Sweden and the temperature here is now minus 4 centigrades, but normally it has minus 25
Your private Situation has changed, you became a father, how is that?
It is insanely great in every aspect. And it is a completely a different situation. I can not put it into words it is like a wonder. You have a picture in your head how it is going to be, to be a father, but when the child is there, it is somehow different, but it is great!
Are you one of the modern fathers that tries to spend as much time with your kid as possible?
yes of course but I don´t do that because I want to be a modern father, but to have a good relation with my son. Of course I spend many hours a day with him. He is still very young but he is beginning to realize things.
What is his name?
that is not a typical swedish name?
I don´t know a lot of people up here bear this name, but I think it originates from german speaking lands/areas.
Let's talk about the new album "The Focusing Blur" What does it mean?
It's a Conceptalbum. One must understand history. It's hard to explain it briefly coz it's rather complex. But If I had to sum it up I would say it's about research and the search for human nature in relation to the exterior the nature on earth as well as nature in all its aspects, beginning with the origin of the universe and all these factors evolve themselves when we learn about them ourselves... and how they change. If our wisdom doesn't advance
We handlethe things we know differently. Our everyday focus will not be of tomorrow. If we learn something general about the process of nature and understand it perfectly, we will have many different (Ausgangspunkte= utgangspunkt, points to go from) and can go in different directions from them and reach new conclusions. Everyday we humans evolve further, we changfe our focus. "Blur" is the cosmos or nature itself and they unravel/expose themselves to us in small proportions day by day. It also includes many philosophical aspects . The title is really a paradox
and every good philosophical question is based upon a paradox
It is hard for me to grasp it in other words other than used in the album. To explain it otherwise will lead you from what I wanted to say
Just press the english button in the upper right corner, the british flag that is.

Haha, Vintersorg is such a funny guy...cracks me up really. I wonder if he goes fishing and stuff? I mean...if he pursues the beauty and pleasure of nature as he writes about it.
TB666 said:
Hej Mr.V
Don't Make Fun Of Southern Sweden Man.
THAT IS NOT COOL. :yell: long as south swedes refer to us as "lappar" we're entiteled to call you "danskar" hahahahahahahahaha....

mr V (the "Same")
Vintersorg said:
aaahhhh...there's several errors in the interview...things that I didn't say and misunderstandings I guess.

mr V
I suppose you did the interview in English? I can understand things get lost in translated versions. But I really wonder how an interview released in the language that it was done in can end up with errors and misunderstandings. I mean, there's not much one can do wrong then :confused:
Gaunerin said:
I suppose you did the interview in English? I can understand things get lost in translated versions. But I really wonder how an interview released in the language that it was done in can end up with errors and misunderstandings. I mean, there's not much one can do wrong then :confused:
nope..can't figure out that voice is on that tape or disc...

mr V
''We will headline another open air in Germany, will play some open airs in Austria, a festival in Slovenia. '' <- from the interview...Vintersorg are you really really comming over to Slovenia???I mean..fuck:)this is if it really is true:)
Vampyrian said:
''We will headline another open air in Germany, will play some open airs in Austria, a festival in Slovenia. '' <- from the interview...Vintersorg are you really really comming over to Slovenia???I mean..fuck:)this is if it really is true:)
That would be the moment I don't know what will happen...some promotor wanted us to play a festival, but I haven't heard anything after that....I thought it was kind of settled that we would do it...but they haven't said anything after that, so everything is really up in the air at this pont.

mr V
Prolly Summer Metalcamp...Can't think of any other ''big'' fests...maybe Metal Mania Open Air in Komen, but I don't think so:)Was a good surprise tho..I was like reading the interview and I came across that part about your touring and so I was reading and hm..Germany (come to Wacken you bastard (sorry;)), then Austria (OK, that's not far, then damn..Slovenia:)Was..a surprise heh:)Anyway it really would be cool if you came. Hope those promotors don't fuck it up.
Vintersorg said:
That would be the moment I don't know what will happen...some promotor wanted us to play a festival, but I haven't heard anything after that....I thought it was kind of settled that we would do it...but they haven't said anything after that, so everything is really up in the air at this pont.
But I certainly hope for the health of all concerned people that you're playing the DOA gig ;)
By the way, could maybe tell me how many people you actually are so we can do the booking (flights/hotel)? Artur asks you in every mail and you never answer him, he's getting kinda mad by now :);)
Rysstroll said:
What's wrong with Lappar and Danskar?
Who are the true Svenskar? Those in Svealand?
Ursäkta mig för mixture of languages! Hehehe...
I suppose there aren't any "true svenskar". But I really dislike it when people call us danskar (I'm from Blekinge, next to Skåne)... And really, we don't call people from the north "lappar" or similar, I thought that went away with 80s...
But we do call almost everyone above Stockholm for "norrlänningar"...