
Draugen said:
I suppose there aren't any "true svenskar". But I really dislike it when people call us danskar (I'm from Blekinge, next to Skåne)... And really, we don't call people from the north "lappar" or similar, I thought that went away with 80s...
But we do call almost everyone above Stockholm for "norrlänningar"...
Yeah people that live in Stockholm we call 08.
Colamann said:
But I certainly hope for the health of all concerned people that you're playing the DOA gig ;)
By the way, could maybe tell me how many people you actually are so we can do the booking (flights/hotel)? Artur asks you in every mail and you never answer him, he's getting kinda mad by now :);)
What..I've told him that we are five people in the band.....

mr V
Vintersorg said:
What..I've told him that we are five people in the band.....

mr V
Hm, sorry then. I suppose he wanted to know if you're bringing any crew or the like, but as far as I know he has ordered five ticks anyway. I think the problem could be Arturs bad English... I don't really know why he of all the people in the team does the correspondance with the foreign bands. :)
Vampyrian said:
Prolly Summer Metalcamp...Can't think of any other ''big'' fests...maybe Metal Mania Open Air in Komen, but I don't think so:)Was a good surprise tho..I was like reading the interview and I came across that part about your touring and so I was reading and hm..Germany (come to Wacken you bastard (sorry;)), then Austria (OK, that's not far, then damn..Slovenia:)Was..a surprise heh:)Anyway it really would be cool if you came. Hope those promotors don't fuck it up.
I´ve heard that the festival that was the austrian "vienna metal fest" for two years should take place in slowenia this summer. Maybe you´ll get some info at

Ah, yes, found something - it is called metalcamp 2004 and it will take place on the 20th and 21st of august in Tolmin/Slowenia. Nothing about the line-up, unfortunately
Draugen said:
But we do call almost everyone above Stockholm for "norrlänningar"...
haha....."Enligt många skåningars mentala kartor omfattar Norrland allt som ligger norr om Älmhult." acording to :loco: