Vintersorg - Orkan

It sounds awesome. How this dude has the energy and creativity to put out two fantastic albums two years in a row and also be a part of Borknagar putting out their best album in years is astounding. I also have loved his move to bring back the old logo from the Till Fjalls days.
I've really enjoyed his past couple solo albums, so I'm looking forward to hearing this. I think the move back to folky black metal and away from the prog-metal style and predominantly English lyrics of Spiral Generator and Focusing Blur was a welcome one. I'm also glad that he's managed to become more productive. I know he was having problems balancing his music, family life, and career, but he built a home studio a few years ago and it's apparently helped him a great deal.
I used to have a couple of Otyg albums. He sounded a LOT like the Swedish Chef to me.

He sounds less like my favorite Muppet on this song, though. I'm enjoying the track. I'm actually reminded of Tyr, vocally.