Vintersorg - Vocal Techniques


Apr 11, 2007
it would like to know why vintersorg is using different vocal techniques (clean vocal).
in old times he used more “chest voice” .
now it is using more “head voice” and Falsettos.
Is correct to affirm that he prefers to use more falsettos in live concerts?
hahahaha... SORY, sry!
i have a sux i english...
LoL voice of head...
i try to say "head voice" or "head register"...
and "chest voice" ...not "voice of chest"
and Falsetto...not falsete!

Sry again for my english... but this question is for that they understand of vocal technique!
^ ¿Español? Italiano? :Smug: Yo puedo traducir tus preguntas :) .


Hahahaha... sorry..
I have a bad/terrible/sucky English
I tried to say ...

Sorry again for my English, but I did this question so I could understand Vintersorg's vocal techniques!
aw thx for correction....

google translate...
know? ^_^

I will go to try to improve my question...

but i it is not so ignorant to understand what i tried to say! ¬¬

it would like to know why vintersorg is using different vocal techniques (clean vocal).
in old times he used more “chest voice” .
now it is using more “head voice” and Falsettos.
Is correct to affirm that he prefers to use more falsettos in live concerts?
Ah that last one was alot better, good to see Vintersorg fans come from everywhere.

I think maybe it's because his style is changing so you probally feel that his singing style is becoming slightly more different (I havent really noticed this), I'm not sure about live concerts (though I wish I was), I've got the live bootleg he did with Borknagar from Draugens website and he does the harsh vocals (which are the majority in this case) pretty well.
ive just noticed that he is pushing his range with each some cases it sounds a bit funny.
Is very obvious the fact that Vintersorg becomes more prog each day, mainly for his musical "quest".

obviously vintersorg since Cosmic Genesis had changed his vocal style...he said once "if I was recorded more TF or ÖS albums, i was felt very boring...

Sat Thanx to his vocal change, that is the reason cause he's with Borknagar now....

and Andreas performs live very very well
I prefer his clean vocal on TF or ÖS and otyg!
But i think it is more easy for he is trying to make something more challenging ...more hard!
His earlier work was in a much easier register for men to sing in I think, this like many other parts of his work has simply changed over time as he continues to challenge himself!

My favourite V-vocals were on Visions..., that album had a wonderful sound to it in all sorts of ways.
"Vintersorg Actually hired other 5 vocalists to help him recording each album.
That's why there are so many different voices in his albums."

That's my Theory.
he would like to know because vintersorg comes using different vocal techniques, if treating to vocal clean before it the "voice of chest" used more and nowadays it uses more the "voice of head" and falsetes. he would be correct to affirm that it prefers to use more falsetes in lives?

For having "bad english", you correctly identified two vocal terms...something no one else mentioned :lol:

Chest voice usually contains more resonance as sound waves from the larynx gain reverb from the ribs/chest cavity below. Falsetto on the other hand, is usually felt along the throat region, and gives a nice treble to vocal color.
The head register is basically a feeling, like the sound is coming through your head - that's what I was told at least...seeing as I've only had a few instances where I felt the sound that, I can only say, felt like it was coming from below my eyes (but further inside & not in the nasal cavity).....I can't comment on that for sure.

But I do agree with your observation; each album has shown Mr. V moving from his (probably) natural speaking voice into the higher registers. Then again, he seems to be comfortable at the level he is doing now - maybe he lowered his voice on purpose for his earlier recordings? I personally don't believe that (as the Otyg material suggests otherwise), but hey - people have done it. Seeing as I've only seen HORRIBLE live bootleg, I couldn't possibly answer your question about his live vocal preferences, maybe one of these other fine posters can :D

I personally prefer deep male vocals - hence why I'm loving chunklets of the last Lumsk album :heh:
i heard he wasnt very good live...which makes sense since he never tours.
Vintersorg's vocals are imo....dare i say it? One of the best in the metal industry.

I love how he never "fails". Even akerfeld and sorts have moments that could use polishing but i dont have that feeling when i put on a borknagar/vintersorg song yet he still manages to keep it out of the "power metal perfect" area.

Its also great to sing allong with him and try to match the tones. It helpt me allot but i still need to work on singing on my own. But hey even vintersorg must have trained years to get where he is.