he would like to know because vintersorg comes using different vocal techniques, if treating to vocal clean before it the "voice of chest" used more and nowadays it uses more the "voice of head" and falsetes. he would be correct to affirm that it prefers to use more falsetes in lives?
For having "bad english", you correctly identified two vocal terms...something no one else mentioned
Chest voice usually contains more resonance as sound waves from the larynx gain reverb from the ribs/chest cavity below. Falsetto on the other hand, is usually felt along the throat region, and gives a nice treble to vocal color.
The head register is basically a feeling, like the sound is coming through your head - that's what I was told at least...seeing as I've only had a few instances where I felt the sound that, I can only say, felt like it was coming from below my eyes (but
further inside & not in the nasal cavity).....I can't comment on that for sure.
But I do agree with your observation; each album has shown Mr. V moving from his (probably) natural speaking voice into the higher registers. Then again, he seems to be comfortable at the level he is doing now - maybe he lowered his voice on purpose for his earlier recordings? I personally don't believe that (as the Otyg material suggests otherwise), but hey - people have done it. Seeing as I've only seen HORRIBLE live bootleg, I couldn't possibly answer your question about his live vocal preferences, maybe one of these other fine posters can
I personally prefer deep male vocals - hence why I'm loving chunklets of the last Lumsk album