


STEVE! Is it true that you´ll do the bass on the new swedish VINTERSORG album???? That is....weird. You deserve to play on better albums than that crap.

Take care bass god
L from Sweden
Originally posted by Unregistered
STEVE! Is it true that you´ll do the bass on the new swedish VINTERSORG album???? That is....weird. You deserve to play on better albums than that crap.

Take care bass god
L from Sweden

No, he's going to play on the new English Vintersorg album......

If you're going to slag off a fucking musical genius, amazing singer, and all around nice guy :D, how about registering? Back up your comments, 'L' :rolleyes: , rather than making an annonymous post and then buggering off.

And yes, I fucking DO worship Vintersorg, incase you were wondering. :mad:
Originally posted by Unregistered
STEVE! Is it true that you´ll do the bass on the new swedish VINTERSORG album???? That is....weird. You deserve to play on better albums than that crap.

Take care bass god
L from Sweden

It's ok Lars, I know who you are, no need to register.
It is true I'll be playing the bass on the new Vintersorg album, "Visions From The Spiral Generator", and it's true they're from Sweden, well all but the drummer...and touring bassist!

And I know what you really meant to type was...
"That is....great. But they deserve better bass performances than your crap."
dumbass, VINTERSORG is not crap, it's for me the best metal singer!!! and they kick ass! and I think it's great that Steve will play bass on the new album, I'm really looking forward to it.
Well I just heard this band actually. The name is just dumb to me and that's alot of why I never heard the band until now. Some songs are ok, but others I could do without. It's talented as hell though. So I can't give a definite answer on if I like them or not because hearing 5 songs just don't sum it all up. I guess this is a band one would have to be in the right mood to listen to for everything to really sink in and be able to really enjoy it.
Originally posted by Unregistered
STEVE! Is it true that you´ll do the bass on the new swedish VINTERSORG album???? That is....weird. You deserve to play on better albums than that crap.

Take care bass god
L from Sweden

I think you should shut your mouth.
Vintersorg is surely not crap.

And I agree with TheEmperor also :)
I think it rules that Steve is playing on the album. It is something different from him, not all thrash thrash chunka chunka (not that I don't like that or anything). :lol: Vintersorg is an amazing artist, almost a one-man band. I like everything he does and am a huge fan. And of course I'm a fan (and friend) of Steve. Yes, I can understand that there are some people out there that just wouldn't be into Vintersorg, but whatever floats your boat. You should be able to post what you want, but try not to be so rude about it. Vintersorg is just incredibly versatile and that's what makes me like him the most. I can't wait to see how Steve will influence the music with his playing. And this is the best week for Vintersorg to be here, since it's been at least 74 degrees every day! Woohoo. Bet they don't get that in Sweden too often in February/March! hahaha