Virtual community survey


His Dudeness
Jan 8, 2002
I'm currently doing research for a paper on virtual communities and I'm looking for volunteers to fill out a survey regarding the subject. If you do not feel comfortable posting your answers to any of these questions here, you may feel free to send your answers to me through email, my address being BAldred1650 at wsc dot ma dot edu

Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

1. What do you consider to be a “virtual community?”

2. Are you a member of any “virtual communities?”

3. Do you have or are you a part of any of the following: Facebook, MySpace, Livejournal, an Internet forum/bulletin board, a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG,) weblogs?

4. If you listed one of more in the previous question, how long have you been a part of said communities?

5. How many true friends have you made online? How do you keep in touch with them aside from the outlet in which you met?

6. How many hours a day do you spend online?

7. How many of those hours are spent in some sort of virtual community?

8. What do you know, if anything, about Leet?

9. Have you ever met up someone in person that you met through the Internet? Explain.

10. Do you feel that there has been a decline in opportunities for community formation in todays society?

11. Do you find it easier to meet new people on the Internet?

12. Is your Internet persona different in any way from the persona project in 'real life'? If so, explain.

13. What is your opinion of the following statement:
“Computer-mediated communication constitutes a constructive and potentially liberatory space through which 'the obese can become slender, the beautiful plain, the “nerdy” sophisticated.”

14. Do you feel that the Internet can be addicting, or that some people may become socially isolated or depressed the more they use the Internet?

15. When joining a virtual community, do you take any of the following into consideration:
-opportunity to form friendships that may be more difficult to develop 'off-line'
-ability to play with personas
-capacity to circulate new ideas among a group of like minded people
-chance to find people who share the same interests, however obscure or odd they may appear to others
-the search for romantic and sexual relations
-ability for those who feel marginalized or persecuted by society to express views and opinions in ways not possible through mainstream media outlets

16. Anything else you would like to share on virtual communities (i.e.- stories, opinions, etc?)

Thank you for your time
im gonna bump this, because if there is anyone who cares to fill out this survey, i need it done in the next few hours.
1. What do you consider to be a “virtual community?” Exactly it, virtual communities are virual communities.

2. Are you a member of any “virtual communities?” Yeah.

3. Do you have or are you a part of any of the following: Facebook, MySpace, Livejournal, an Internet forum/bulletin board, a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG,) weblogs? I have Myspace, Livejournal, VF, I'm on this and the 13DK forum.

4. If you listed one of more in the previous question, how long have you been a part of said communities? Since....forever..?

5. How many true friends have you made online? How do you keep in touch with them aside from the outlet in which you met? None. I keep in touch with Thomas all the time! He can be my true friend.

6. How many hours a day do you spend online? Haha...if I told you, everyone would hate me.

7. How many of those hours are spent in some sort of virtual community? Again, if I told you everyone would hate me.

8. What do you know, if anything, about Leet? What.....the....FUCK!

9. Have you ever met up someone in person that you met through the Internet? Explain. Yeah. I dated......3 or 4. Fucked 1. Haha. Enough explaining?

10. Do you feel that there has been a decline in opportunities for community formation in todays society? Sure.

11. Do you find it easier to meet new people on the Internet? Kind of, not really.

12. Is your Internet persona different in any way from the persona project in 'real life'? If so, explain. No. It's still the same. Bitchy. Don't piss me off. I hate you./Happy. Smilie. Goofy.

13. What is your opinion of the following statement:
“Computer-mediated communication constitutes a constructive and potentially liberatory space through which 'the obese can become slender, the beautiful plain, the “nerdy” sophisticated.” LMFAO!! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?!?!? I completely disagree! ALIEN LANGUAGE!

14. Do you feel that the Internet can be addicting, or that some people may become socially isolated or depressed the more they use the Internet? Ugh...I've been addicted since I was 9, don't tlak to me about fucking internet addiction.

15. When joining a virtual community, do you take any of the following into consideration:
-opportunity to form friendships that may be more difficult to develop 'off-line'
-ability to play with personas
-capacity to circulate new ideas among a group of like minded people
-chance to find people who share the same interests, however obscure or odd they may appear to others
-the search for romantic and sexual relations
-ability for those who feel marginalized or persecuted by society to express views and opinions in ways not possible through mainstream media outlets
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no..etc.

16. Anything else you would like to share on virtual communities (i.e.- stories, opinions, etc?) Yeah. Some are dumb. Don't come on here to bitch at people about their names, you shallow fuck.

P.S. You might not want to use mine. Haha.