Virtuosa review London 2/9/04


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
The size of the queue alone negated the fact that UK fans don't want to
come to shows, and the attendance ssemed to go with the overall atmosphere
of the evening.
First up to warm the ears were UK power metal merchants Power Quest. For a
band only 2 albums into their career the buzz that's building around them
is nothing short of incredible. As well as great press at home and abroad,
this band have already done quite a few live shows and so are no strangers
to the stage. Indeed many of the fans were here to see them alone and as they
sped through the likes of Wings of FOrever, Sacred Land, Edge of Time,
Temple of Fire and Neverworld, the crowd lapped it up and clamoured for more.
I certainly hope this band can retain this level of success - this could be
just the beginning!

Take from Virtuosa magaine Issue 3. Thanks to editor Nick Hinton.

To find out more about Virtuosa you contact Nick at