Viv Campbell talks crap about metal...again :)


Croatian Panzer division
Apr 9, 2004
Split, Croatia, Europe

What do you think about this? It's like shitting on yourself IMO...
Hell, majority of people still connects him with his Dio days and NOT Def Leppard as much, so maybe that's the reason he's so pissed...
And his statement about him just wanting to play like Gilbert or Yngwie back in the day is simply not true - he was more of a wildman in a Gary Moore vein, he never played "technically" like many of 80s axemen... Not to mention that always-the-same "argument" how metal guitarists just noodle up and down the fretboard... Meh, lame!

Poor Viv, no one even notices he's been in Def Leppard for the last 15 years... :lol:
SickBoy said:
Poor Viv, no one even notices he's been in Def Leppard for the last 15 years... :lol:

Most probably because no one have noticed Def Leppard after "Pyromania" :heh:

And it doesn't surprise me the Ronson commentary, DL wants to be a mix of Slade and Ziggy Stardust, they just born way too late
Wyvern said:
Most probably because no one have noticed Def Leppard after "Pyromania" :heh:

And it doesn't surprise me the Ronson commentary, DL wants to be a mix of Slade and Ziggy Stardust, they just born way too late
I saw Def Leppard and Tesla about a year ago. I have never been so bored at a rock concert, due to the Leppard set. Only three songs were from Pyro and earlier, everything else was post-Pyro. The best song they played all night wasn't even one of theirs. It was the Sweet song 'Action', which was the opener.

Tesla, on the other hand, rocked balls out for their opening set.
I seen that show at the Forum as well Whisper. I agree, Tesla blew then away!!! It's not like DL was bad, they are just boring to see live I think as well. We left early...and we never leave eary at concerts.

Wyvern, I think about 15 million people might disagree that bought Hysteria!:cool: It's pretty much a horseshit album, but it did sell like a mutherfucker! That's what they are all about now, AOR radio. Whatever, I still jam out to 'High 'N' Dry' all the time.:rock:
SavaRon said:
I seen that show at the Forum as well Whisper. I agree, Tesla blew then away!!! It's not like DL was bad, they are just boring to see live I think as well. We left early...and we never leave eary at concerts.

Wyvern, I think about 15 million people might disagree that bought Hysteria!:cool: It's pretty much a horseshit album, but it did sell like a mutherfucker! That's what they are all about now, AOR radio. Whatever, I still jam out to 'High 'N' Dry' all the time.:rock:
'High 'N Dry' - one of the best Hard Rock albums...EVER!:rock:
SavaRon said:
Wyvern, I think about 15 million people might disagree that bought Hysteria!:cool:

Including me :ill: , which eventually was sacked from my collection it didn't even make it to CD format.

But Campbell jump into DL after Steve kicked the bucket and by that time their selling days were over (I believe).

They're coming with a new album called "Yeah", I wonder if it will have to be "Yikes" :muahaha:

NP: Warrior - 'Salvation'
Last time I saw DL was on the Slang tour. Had second row seats right in front of Viv. I wasn't expecting much but man thay rocked that night. First song was Hit and Run then two more old songs. They played quite a few songs off High-n-Dry and Pyro that night, I was impressed. Even got to shake hands with Viv towards the end of the show.
To bad he doesn't realize that playing with Dio is his most claim to fame he is ever going to get. Only metal-heads know who he is.
SickBoy said:
Not to mention that always-the-same "argument" how metal guitarists just noodle up and down the fretboard... Meh, lame!

Well, get Dio's We Rock DVD and watch Viv's solo piece on the Spectrum show - he's noodling up and down the fretboard and ending on the same lick repeatedly.
A lot of Metal guitar IS like that, but players like Mark Shelton from Manilla Road bring a lot more to the table in terms of leads.
That's why there aren't as many stellar lead guitarists as there are bands...
Iced Earth never managed to have great leads in their great songs, for example. Just a misconception of what a lead guitar should be IMO ;)
I don't get it. Geoff Tate said similar things a few years back. Don't these guys get that metalheads are pretty forgiving but if you dis them like that they'll turn their backs on you forever. Fuck 'em both, I say. I can understand a person wanting to expand their horizons a bit but they can do so without telling me the music I've used to carry me through thick and thin is shit. Fuck 'em.
SickBoy said:
That's why there aren't as many stellar lead guitarists as there are bands...
Iced Earth never managed to have great leads in their great songs, for example. Just a misconception of what a lead guitar should be IMO ;)

Seriously. Add Kurt Colefelt and Bernie Versailles to the list of guitarists who make awesome, inventive leads.