Practise harder, bro. I remember another thread where growling is explained. Was something with diaphragm and stomach or stuff.
But keep going, I think it will get better!
It was me if I don't recall wrong
Thanks for the reply. I practice a lot/have researched a lot and I have pretty much settled into a technique. I do sing from the core, and not from my throat. I am always trying to get better.
Great, that's the way to do it, otherwhise you'll end fucking up yourself.
Your voice is quite good, the main problem that I noticed is that you use practically the same tone always, your voice doesn't change very much along the song*, and that takes out some of the "feeling" from the song, you could say. I think thats mostly due to the fact that you're just covering songs, why don't you try and sing something you wrote, or just grab a poem that you like and doesn't have music and invent one for it? That will help you to develop your own style, wich is actually what really matters. No one wants copycats, if we have one Johan, why would be need another one? (don't take it as an offense or anything like that, it's just a way to say it).
Other recomendation, practice making long screams, that will (with time) improve your lungs capacity, or at least it'll teach you how to make a better management from the air, wich is something pretty useful when doing high pitched vocals, and also, long screams fucking rule. Anyway, keep it up, I'm hoping to hear more of you in the future

Also, after recording, try adding some reverb (I don't mean you to do it always, just play a little bit with the effects you have, it's quite interesting), it gives a very nice kickass fading effect. But remember, don't abuse with the effects
*with this, I don't just speak about making it high or low pitched (or even clean), I actually reffer to the
tone itself. In example, try to give some expression (sorry if I suck for this kind of explanations, I should have studied english

) to it, like making it sound more angrier, perverse, sadder, whatever you feel like. A singer that I really admire for his ability to do that is Legion, the ex singer from Marduk, check some of his works if you haven't heard anything yet, speacially from the album World Funeral, listen how he varies the mood between the songs, its awesome.
This might sound stupid, but in case you don't do it, try gesturing when you sing, don't just give the feeling to the voice, make it come from inside you, reflect the feelings in your expressions too! Maybe it's not a real technique, but it gives you like a boost of energy, it's hard to explain, just try it. A good example for this could be Satyr on Mother North.
For what I heard now, I think your voice fits good for a thrash/death meal band or something like that, but you should do whatever the fuck you feel like.