Vocal Peak Limiting


Stymphalian Productions
May 20, 2006
Hey up laddies!

Im going to record a vocalist in a few days time and I want to know how to stop the bastard screaming his head off and me clipping to shit. I know its using a compressor/peak limiter? But this is my first time doing anything properly :P I can't run my VST's in real time with the input echo on (Sonar) because of the latency, however I can turn the latency down but then I cant play back the audio (drop-out).

Any suggestion? :rock:

J :Smokin:
If it peaks while you're recording, whether you're putting a limiter in your host won't change anything, it has to be limited before it goes into your soundcard. Either use a hardware analog compressor / limiter or just turn the gain down on your channel.
If it peaks while you're recording, whether you're putting a limiter in your host won't change anything, it has to be limited before it goes into your soundcard. Either use a hardware analog compressor / limiter or just turn the gain down on your channel.

Ahh got ya! Thats what ive been doing up until now, lowering the gain and hoping for the best. Ah well maybe the next purchase will be a hardware compressor :)

Cheers Brett
Teach him some mic technique. When he gets loud he should pull away from the mic, and vice versa.