Vocalist Needed!!


The Edge
Sep 15, 2006
Tremont, IL

The guys I worked for have moved on to a new project.
So they have written several solid songs for a brand new project.

But are in need of a vocalist. I have kept in touch with different people from record labels and such. So there's a decent chance of getting signed once the right vocalist is found.

They are located in the peoria IL area, so whom ever is interested would ether need to live with in a reasonable distance, be able to relocate or travel on a regular basis for practices and recording. They are kinda uncomfortable with someone being located far away. So any interest would need to be able to come on a regular basis. But local would be best.

Our some of our influences include the fallowing :
Alter Bridge
Symphony X
Iced Earth
Iron Maiden
Plus Many more.

A Good Attitude & Drug Free are a must..
Must be able to handle complex melodic vocal lines.

If interested or you need more info drop me a PM , post a response to this thread or send an e-mail to Terry(The Bass player) at rinos88@hotmail.com. Song samples will be given to serious inquires only.

Please note I have never written such an AD. But I want to help these guys out. So wanted to try and get the word out there. If you can please pass this info on to anyone you may know.


P.S no flames please.
Since they want a singer close by to where they live, it might be helpful to let people know WHERE that location might be. But thats just me though.

They are located in the peoria IL area, so whom ever is interested would ether need to live with in a reasonable distance, be able to relocate or travel on a regular basis for practices and recording.

There you go.
Yeah, definitely! Mudvayne came to Peoria when I was at Bradley, and the entire city was in an uproar over it - half the city was excited, the other half was not. Which you guys may remember. Peoria just doesn't seem like a hotbed of progressive metal, y'know? Nice to see something that's not nu-metal come out of there. Just as long as you all aren't suffering from the smell of the river and brewery. ;)
Does this mean that the Eternity X thing is not happening? Or am I thinking of something else?
It looks like it's Eternity X's new lineup minus Keith Sudano. Apparently, he's lost interest in making music again. I'm guessing they won't be using the Eternity X moniker, seeing as how the one original member from the band is already out.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Hey guys, Thanks for the response. Sorry it took me so long to post. It never told me I had a response to the thread.

I'd rather not comment much at this time about things related to Eternity X.

But I do want to say, that this project isnt Eternity x. The songs are in no way related to that ether. Many of them are abit more on the heavy side as well. But they are still very melodic.

Also, as soon as they get the copy right things taken care of I will be posting samples up online and making a myspace site and all. Plus any serious inquires will get them sooner.

Also the current working title for the band Is Shadow Forsaken. I cannot promise this will stay as there's many factors that we are looking into still.

Here's the current line up.

Guitars Jerry Lee Prater
Guitars, Dusty Owens
Bass: Terry Richards II
Drums : Josh Starkey.