Vocals REALLY quiet after exporting, help please..

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Finally got some vocals recorded on Monday, and turned out well. Been doing a rough mix to know what needs to be fixed up and so the vocalist can hear his lines and see if he wants to redo anything. Did a quick mix and adjusted the volumes in Sonar (6 Producer Edition) so that you could hear the vocals pretty well.

After exporting and putting into iTunes (for conversion to mp3, as I said, rough and quick ;p), the vocals were a good 5-10dB (I'm not great as estimating) softer. Maybe the drums too but I wasn't paying attention to them. Is there some panning law that only is implemented when exporting from Sonar? I just raised the vocals by about 8 dB for now but I can't do that for a final mix... what I hear needs to be what I get, can't go 'guessing' what its going to sound like when its exported.

Any help? Have I accidentally pressed a button I shouldn't have? ;p

Thanks in advance
Check if you have "sound enhancer" enabled in itunes. It should be in preferences under playback. Turn it off if it's on. Worst thing about iTunes. :lol: It's a stereo image widener basically. It makes SOME bad mixes sound better, and good mixes sound bad.