

Mar 17, 2007
Örebro, Sweden
We've been looking for a vocalist for a while now, but with little luck..
So does anyone here wanna have a go?

Cheezy choruses is the shit.. haha.

Here are some songs if anyone feels like trying out something.




http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/389199/Bits and pieces2.mp3
(a bit out of tune heh)

damn, sounds good! It's a shame you can't find a singer, everything sounds great! Vocalwise I'm imagining a soilwork vibe, mostly clean though. Don't know if that's what you're after though, but it sounds great (at least in my head haha). Keep it up!!!
I'll have something laid down for you within a couple of days I expect Behindert, I'm well up for giving this a go.
hsinn3r: Glad you dig it! Yeah a Soilwork:ish kind of vibe would be really cool :) Not too many screams though.

brianhood: Ah well, lyrics ain't everything haha.. You could still have a go. Maybe the lyrical theme could be about food, that would be interesting haha..

TheXRatedDodo: Cool dude, I'm looking forward to hearing something :)

Dandelium: Yayy, thanks :Smokin:
I had to get away from one of the projects I was working on this weekend, so I took a half hour and threw down some rough vox on a couple of these songs just for fun. It wasn't what Behindert was expecting, but I just did it for fun. I thought someone else might enjoy it, so here is my take on one I called "One More Day".


Someone should jump on these with him, he's got some really cool songs going on!
I had to get away from one of the projects I was working on this weekend, so I took a half hour and threw down some rough vox on a couple of these songs just for fun. It wasn't what Behindert was expecting, but I just did it for fun. I thought someone else might enjoy it, so here is my take on one I called "One More Day".


Someone should jump on these with him, he's got some really cool songs going on!

Dude, your voice is what i'd kill for in my new band :lol: Great shit! :headbang:
I had to get away from one of the projects I was working on this weekend, so I took a half hour and threw down some rough vox on a couple of these songs just for fun. It wasn't what Behindert was expecting, but I just did it for fun. I thought someone else might enjoy it, so here is my take on one I called "One More Day".


Someone should jump on these with him, he's got some really cool songs going on!

Hey man, i am really sorry i never replied to your PM! I have been working my ass off on the album before release! Haha!

You have some awesome pipes! But i need someone close :( Sorry!

BUT! I'd be honoured to do a song or two with you in the future for fun!
Scissors61: Thanks for putting time and effort to it :) Yeah it sounds wayy too evil for this kind of music, but you do that pretty well :)

brianhood: It's all Revalver mkIII if I remember right, was a while since I recorded that one :)