VoiVod VS Helloween - First Week Sales

It is great that people are getting into metal and looking back and getting older bands. I think it causes a problem when people start talking like they were there and they were not.

It's funny.....I always see you and Jason talking about this but, at least on this (and the PP board for that matter) I never see this attitude. Chicago must be full of falses...
It's funny.....I always see you and Jason talking about this but, at least on this (and the PP board for that matter) I never see this attitude. Chicago must be full of falses...

no, most forums are full of younger types....Jason and myself like to hang with the young kids to be cool. thus the main reason why we hang out onf fourms.
LOL - I know what Bob means.
Most metal forums are full of nooBs who make comments like, "Yeah, people reacted THIS way when that album came out" yet they weren't even born when it came out.

Not so much anymore, but like 10 years ago or so when Metallica bashing was the hip thing to do, you would see kids in their teens talking about the good old days when Ride the Lightning came out, as if they were around. And then they act like they themselves were so betrayed when they changed their sound. The reality is new Metallica to them was maybe St Anger.

That's the crap that ticks me off.
It's funny.....I always see you and Jason talking about this but, at least on this (and the PP board for that matter) I never see this attitude. Chicago must be full of falses...

See, I'm in the "who cares how they got here; at least they're here" camp. Whether it's video gamers at a Dragonforce show or neckbeards at a Graveyard gig, they're contributing to the survival of the music.
See, I'm in the "who cares how they got here; at least they're here" camp. Whether it's video gamers at a Dragonforce show or neckbeards at a Graveyard gig, they're contributing to the survival of the music.

This is definitely true.

I know that the youngsters with ratty patches on their jean jackets go to more shows than I do and purchase more music than I do.

I still get to say I saw all the cool bands though. LOL.
I actually keep an Excel sheet of the concerts I've seen. It's not 100% accurate since I lost an old version due to a combination of laptop theft and my lack of foresight to back things up, but I'd say 99% of the shows I've seen are there. It's very safe to say that I've seen many of those 'cool bands', although you at least saw them while they were fresh and full of energy instead of waiting for that next Social Security check.
See, I'm in the "who cares how they got here; at least they're here" camp. Whether it's video gamers at a Dragonforce show or neckbeards at a Graveyard gig, they're contributing to the survival of the music.

Mostly I'm probably more in line with Bob and Jason. Sometimes I legitimately get angry when I see people at shows.....like some hipster with emo hair, stupid ironic mustache, and an ARCHGOAT backpatch that I saw at a show a few months ago...
welcome to my world of anger.

Their money still spends. Back when I worked at a comic book store I used to hate the speculators buying multiple copies of everything, because I knew none of them had ever read Watchmen or could tell one X-Man from another. I had to square that with the fact that their dollars kept the rent paid.

Hundreds of hipsters at a Graveyard gig helps offset the times Firewind brings in 20 people.
I actually keep an Excel sheet of the concerts I've seen. It's not 100% accurate since I lost an old version due to a combination of laptop theft and my lack of foresight to back things up, but I'd say 99% of the shows I've seen are there. It's very safe to say that I've seen many of those 'cool bands', although you at least saw them while they were fresh and full of energy instead of waiting for that next Social Security check.

Somewhere on this forum I created a CONCERT HISTORY thread.
Feel free to find it and post yours.

I have one but only for metal.
If I included non-metal as well? No way in heck I could remember.
What does piss me off is that the old metalheads who claim to be so "metal" will sit at home on the couch and complain about the metal scene. They think that because they bought a few records in the 80s, their extreme laziness is justified. I've heard some of the stupidest excuses imaginable from these people. It's getting to the point where I like the younger (more diverse) metal fan.
Hey does anybody know Helloween's album sales numbers? All I've heard is that they've sold over 5 million worldwide.