Voivod's Denis "Piggy" D'Amour dies of advanced colon cancer

Blaphbee said:
Yeah, with any luck, a wide spread case of AIDS will devastate the scene and wipe out every last pathetic band, and leave you morons exposed as utterly useless consumer parasites who need metal's frame of reference to feel like you have a useful place in the world.
Damn you, Blaphbee!
Blaphbee said:
Holy shit!

That's the funniest thing I've ever seen!

How did you get my picture?
Hey man can you parrot the same lines S.R. Prozack was posting in alt.music.black-metal 10 years ago, again? Because let me tell you, that shit will never get old, and will always be intellectually stimulating.
what are you talking about?

the mod made a largely unfunny edit of one of my posts, and i made a largely unfunny retort.

your scathing world-weariness is neither needed nor wanted. argue for passivity somewhere else.
Voivod was great musically but the vocalist just killed it for me.

The Tragedy Of Man said:
At least he edited your post rather than deleting it (for pointing out his redundancy, I might add).

You want redundant? Here's redundant:

bravewordsboard: Jotun said:
i don't usually bring my personal life to this board, however, something i've been thinking about, i'm not really looking for a response or agreement, just getting it out

i'm not usually the depressed type, often enough, i actually dislike those 'oh poor twisted me' kind of people, but things have been going kinda shitty lately, nothing TOO bad, just a bit stressed out, just got out of a 1 year relationship, didn't end well, alot of my friends are being pricks at the moment, and i just feel stuck in a shit sandwhich latley,

in a time when i don't feel like doing anything (going to work, hanging out with any friends, or even going outside my house) i feel a need for escape, and it hit me yesterday, it happened to me, i was taken away from my shit world, and into another, did i get high? did i get hammered? no, although i don't mind either, this was different, what happened? i was listening to The Great Southern Trendkill, the track '10's'
Dimebag's solo completley took me away from everything going on in my world, and made me forget about everything, i can't really describe the feeling, but it truly was an escape, and i don't think i have to give details about the song Floods.

the point of this thread? well, some people have told me that i shouldn't have been so upset over Dime's death, 'you didn't know him' 'he didn't know you' blah blah blah, true, i didn't know him, but i can honestly say that he (and other musicians) do a hell of alot more for me than alot of people i'm close with, Dime had/has the power to make me feel alot better when i'm feeling like a bag of shit, i don't think i know anyone who can do that the way he (and other musicians) does. you know people say to me 'would you take a family member's death that hard'?
to tell you the truth...no i wouldn't, i don't speak to my family hardly, and they really do shit all for me, of course i would be sad, but should i go out of my way to be 'extra' sad simply because i am releated to them? i think it's retarded.
i don't want to beat the dead horse either, but since people always bring it up with me, you know, i tell 'em about how great of a player Dime is, and his personality too, i mean watching the vulgar vids and getting hammered, it feels like drinking with the band, so at times i do feel close to those people. so i don't think people understand why Dime was important to me, and although it's really hard to explain, i hope some of it is cleared up, the dude meant alot, thankfully i got to tell him to his face just how i felt about what he's done for me, maybe he heard it a million times, but i know i felt better being able to actually reach out and say 'hey man, thank you!'

i dunno, i'm not very good at explaining things, i just have alot of thoughts, and i'm tryin' to get some of them out, point is, even if i have said it a million times...

Riff In Peace Dime.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posting THAT would be redundant. My thread was just an announcement that a great guitar innovator was dead of cancer, and if you think I'm being redundant because I didn't see another thread on the same subject, you're one picky little bastard.