Volume Issues with Mesa F100


Jul 16, 2009
Indianapolis Indiana
Guys, I am having a problem with a mesa f100. I doing all my tracking in the downstairs part of my place, so I need to run a fifty foot speaker cable to get down to the cab.

Usually this isn't a problem, however, with the f100, the volume will randomly drop dramatically and come back on it's own. It doesn't happen with other heads, just the mesa. Do any of you guys run long speaker cable lengths? Do you have issues with it? Any idea of what else might be causing the problem?
Yeah I don't have the problem when it's hooked straight up with a short cable. The only shitty thing is my control room is upstairs, so to track anything I would need the player to be downstairs with the amp wearing headphones...which I really would hate to have to resort to.
This doesn't solve the problem, but if you track a DI with a different amp/use an amp-sim then you could reamp later using a long cable from the interface to the reamp box.