Volume without killing the track with too much compression


Jun 29, 2004
Hey do you guys have any advice on that?? I thiink this is a common problem for lot of people here

What plugins do you use to get volume to the mix track?
Andy Sneap said:
I actually use a finalizer, alot of purists don't like them but works for me. I mix through it also, so I'm listening to the mastering when mixing.

Are you using an actual hardware TC Finalizer in the master bus? Or is it a plug-in of some kind?

I have a Waves L1+ (gentle settings) plug-in in the master bus at all times (prior to exporting the mixdown, then I turn it off) So I can here how it will sound mastered. I am just curious as to what you are using and how low is the threshold.
Andy Sneap said:
I actually use a finalizer, alot of purists don't like them but works for me. I mix through it also, so I'm listening to the mastering when mixing.

So I guess u use the TC-finalizer plus 19" and not the TC-plugin master-x?
How do you chain it in a DAW system?
Do you mixdown in DAW and then output over the TC to CD? :confused:
i think i have the same one andy has, the Finalizer 96K, which is the most powerful one.. the "plus" model is a stripped down version of the 96K. what i do is route all tracks/channels in mix to an auxiliary channel and that aux channel is then sent out one of the AES/EBU ports on my MOTU 308 interface and into the Finalizer. the AES/EBU output of the Finalizer is then routed back to one of the 308's AES/EBU inputs. then i create a stereo track to print my mix to and set the input for it receive signal from the AES/EBU port where the Finalizer return is routed. it's easy to take it out of the chain when you actually print your mix by just changing a few routing settings in the DAW.
realtime?.... i'm not sure what you mean by that exactly. hit me back and explain and i can answer better. if i need to run a process i just stop and do it and then carry on.. but i have no problem with keeping all my plug-ins running in realtime for the whole mix down, if that's what you mean... i automate everything else.

NAMM is going well.. having lot of fun. nothing groundbreaking going on but lot's of great new products.
I have the finalizer routed on the AES/EBU out of the 192, and inserted on the main bus, and I bounce to disc (pro tools) for final mix. I don't have 96k finalizer, just finalizer Plus, as 96k came out a little later.
That's what I thougt. Thank's to you James and Andy.

About the plus/96K thing: To refer to the manual of the Finalizer 96K on page 5 it is written that you can upgrade the "plus" to 96K. Dont ask me how they do that. As far as I know they change the prozessor to a faster one and the software to V3.5 and it costs only a few bucks.

@James. What I mean is, when you finnish with doing all the automation stuff, eq'ing and mastering adjustments ec.ec. in the program you use without using outgear (in my case cubase sx) then you export the song to a folder. That goes very fast. But if you have chained outgear to the process you have to record it to a stereotrack and wait the length of the song, that's what I meant.
Frank'nfurter said:
@James. What I mean is, when you finnish with doing all the automation stuff, eq'ing and mastering adjustments ec.ec. in the program you use without using outgear (in my case cubase sx) then you export the song to a folder. That goes very fast. But if you have chained outgear to the process you have to record it to a stereotrack and wait the length of the song, that's what I meant.

yeah, i mentioned that earlier that i create a stereo track (a stereo aux actually) to monitor from the outs of the Finalizer, but i just change the routing when i'm done and do bounce-to-disc (export to folder as you put it) as normal... so i'm not using the outboard gear (finalizer) for the mix track... i master later after i've had some time away for my ears to rest. i just monitor through the finalizer to hear approximately how my mix choices will sound post mastering.

ha.. shane (kazrog) just noticed George Lynch in line at the Starbuck's we're sitting in :rock:
James Murphy said:
yeah, i mentioned that earlier that i create a stereo track (a stereo aux actually) to monitor from the outs of the Finalizer, but i just change the routing when i'm done and do bounce-to-disc (export to folder as you put it) as normal... so i'm not using the outboard gear (finalizer) for the mix track... i master later after i've had some time away for my ears to rest. i just monitor through the finalizer to hear approximately how my mix choices will sound post mastering.

ha.. shane (kazrog) just noticed George Lynch in line at the Starbuck's we're sitting in :rock:

Hey Frank

I basically apply the same concept in a Cubase SX environment all Plug-ins (I am not lucky enough to have a Finalizer 96k haha). I put a Waves L1+ in one of the bottom 2 insert slots of the Cubase SX master bus with a gentle custom master setting, I also have a multiband compressor and some eq (alltoghether a rough master if you will) I mix with that on to hear how it will sound mastered. Then right before I export it I turn off all the plug ins in the master section and adjust the master fader volume so the peak is at about -4.5 db. Then when I go to master there are no suprises. I wish I had a finalizer though cause my frankenstein rig of plugins for mastering eat a lot of CPU power.
I have some differend mastering tools even the TC plugin MasterX, but i think the Finalizer plus hit it.
It's not a prob to get a finalizer plus cheap at ebay. Buy one, if you have the opportunity, it's worth the money twice.
Frank'nfurter said:
I have some differend mastering tools even the TC plugin MasterX, but i think the Finalizer plus hit it.
It's not a prob to get a finalizer plus cheap at ebay. Buy one, if you have the opportunity, it's worth the money twice.

I am not running a powercore right now but I have been seriously considering one. I only wanted it for mastering I already have the ability to run all the plugins I need for mixdown and do not need the powercore for that. From what I have read it sounded like the new master X5 would give the same results as the Finalizer. Sounded to good to be true so thats why I have been on the fence I mean a new 96k finalizer is like 2500.00 and the master x5 plug is 199.99. There has got to be some difference right.

So I think I am gonna save the cash I was going to use to buy the powercore and try and find a finalizer plus.

Thanks for the advice