
fReaK DrAgON
Jul 23, 2007
May be some of us know about it.There will be a fest to celebrate Jason Becker on November' 2011 at Amsterdam and world's greatest guitar players will tribute Jason. A documentary called "Perpetual Burn" is also coming up. The official fb page of the festival opened a voting page and they will probably offer the top voted guitar players...Michael James Romeo's name is also there. Playing Jason Becker songs by Michael James Romeo will be the greatest thing to see. So please vote for Him here and tell everyone to vote too:

Thanks :)
I'm a big fan of MJR and I'd love to vote, but to be honest I feel it's more 'right' that Friedman does this due to his history with Jason. :)
I'm a big fan of MJR and I'd love to vote, but to be honest I feel it's more 'right' that Friedman does this due to his history with Jason. :)

I´m totally agree...

But I voted some minutes ago, and you can actually pick more than one guitar player... so I assumed that maybe the organizers won´t invite just one guy.

Then of course, besides Marty, I voted for MJR! :p