Vote for The Gates of Slumber!

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
I TiVo this each week. They recently cut it from 2 hours to 1. I think there was a total of six videos this week, none of which were of interest. That said, I was surprised to see GoS get their video played.

Thank you Zod for making me finally get my thumb outta my arse and google TiVo. Heard the expression shitloads of times but never knew what it was until now. Your next project should be to get me to send Demilich's stuff.

Also: Voted.
I never got much in to these guys, but since they have a reasonable following here, I felt it proper to give heads.

New Album streaming

Shit was alright, the family vacays are getting old. I need to do more of the seeing-the-far-reaches-of-the-Earth-in-the-company-of-myself thing.

Next time, I'm sure! I never figured how big LA was, really
Mike asked me the same thing a couple of days ago, and again I'm not sure I can commit since I need to shuffle the deck, so to speak, in my life before December and I'm not sure what I'll be doing by then.

If there is any way I can be there you can bet I will!