It is about time to vote Theocracy and other Christian Metal bands to big Metal Festivals like Sweden Rock! Sweden Rock is the leading Metal Festival in Scandinavia (Northern Europe) where ca 30 000 metalheads gather every year! On this form we can vote on our favourite Christian Metal bands. The more votes they get the bigger is the chance that they will be invited to play and it that way reach many for Christ. Let us show that there are MANY that want to hear Christian Metal bands on the major Metal Festivals!
You can vote on 5 bands and my advice is that we vote on bands like Theocracy, Stryper, Bloodgood, Golden Resurrection and Whitecross.
You can vote on 5 bands and my advice is that we vote on bands like Theocracy, Stryper, Bloodgood, Golden Resurrection and Whitecross.