vous êtes une bande de fous.

j'ai 4000$ pour acheter un ordi pis pour payer mes cours (c'est de l'argent pour mes études seulement :erk:) j'aimerais trop acheter mes billets de show, du linge et des cds...
Un peu d'histoire du 15 novembre

Le 15 novembre 1929:
Le premier père Noël du Nouveau-Brunswick, Charles A. Sampson, né à St. Andrews, meurt à Fredericton à l’âge de 90 ans. Il a ouvert une confiserie à Fredericton en 1867 et s’est presque aussitôt autoproclamé représentant du père Noël.
Nov 15 1864

The sack and burning of Atlanta by General William Tecumseh Sherman, making Georgia howl. That act and the subsequent March to the Sea makes Sherman the most hated and despised man in Georgia history.

Nov 15 1940

Nazis quarantine the Warsaw Ghetto, population 400,000 Juden.

Nov 15 1941

SS chief Himmler orders the arrest and concentration of all homosexuals in Germany. Excluded were certain top Nazi officials who happened to be fags, including Himmler.

Nov 15 1978

A chartered Icelandic Airlines DC-8 with 249 pilgrims returning from Mecca, crashes on approach to Sri Lanka's international airport in Colombo, killing 183 believers.

Nov 15 1979

A package from the Unabomber in the mail carried aboard American flight 444 explodes on the way to Washington. Several people suffer smoke inhalation.

Nov 15 1985

A research assistant is injured when he opens a present from the Unabomber addressed to a University of Michigan professor.

Nov 15 1990

Producers acknowledge that Milli Vanilli (the 1990 "Best Artist" Grammy Award winners) did not sing on their album. One of the duo, Robert Pilatus, later attempts suicide in 1991 but he couldn't even get that performance right. He does succeed 7 years later, though