Vox Tonelab VS POD

let me know also if you think that the TUBE present in the Tonelab is influent or not in the sound... may be it's only for the visual impact...

OH YEAH I'VE A TUBE IN MY DESK!!!!! :worship:
I have the vox valvetronix combo and its very nice! I like it more thn the line 6. The tube does brig it to life. Keep in mind that that tube doesnt run really hot because it doesnt needto...it's not putting out a lot...so theres an LED behind it lol.
I tried the tonelab out for about a half hour at the local music shop. I brought my guitar with me. I wasn't impressed at all, I think the POD XT slays it.
Kazrog said:
I tried the tonelab out for about a half hour at the local music shop. I brought my guitar with me. I wasn't impressed at all, I think the POD XT slays it.

The half hour part makes me easily disregard your advice. Most people get hissy about effects units sucking if they can't get it to sound great right away...many effects units take a lot of tweaking to get that great sound.

It took me awhile to find mine, but once I got a hang of it, my tone really rocks.
...keeping in mind that Kazrog has posted up some of *the* best PODxt patches here to date. I wouldn't as easily disregard his opinion because it's very valuable here. Ok now I'll take his cock out of my mouth.

I've heard amazing tones from both units. More from the PODxt using the add-on packs. I've only ever heard a couple of clips from the ToneLab being useful for metal or anything other than dirty blues guitar. And even then, the tone wasn't anything really compared to the PODxt stuff I've heard and gotten myself. You should really just find one locally and try it out to make a decision. The PODxt will be hard to try since it won't have the add-ons installed in the shop, kinda unfair, but thats just how it goes.

ThatGuitarGuy said:
Considering he gets really great sounds from a POD, maybe hes biased?
That's a pretty silly argument. Just because I can make a Dual Rec sound good, doesn't mean I'm biased against using other amps.
006 said:


bonus points for tastefully using "Touche".

edit: Did you manage to get good sounds out of the Pod XT within the first half hour Kazrog? I don't mean to imply anything with this question, I'm honestly curious.
I was very optimistic about the ToneLab, expecting great things because of the tube. It's a very simplistic unit and it only offers a handful of tonal possibilities, and I'm positive that the 30 minutes I spent with it was a very thorough exploration. It offers less than the original POD 1.0 in terms of sounds, and the tube in it sounds very vintagey and spongey, definitely not ideal for fast detuned stuff.

What can I say, I don't think Vox really understands high gain in any other terms than "fuzz."

Thanks for the compliments on my tone!
Lol thanks Hammer for the points.

I'm not Kazrog, but...cleans were easy to get sounding good with the stock PODxt. However, I wasn't able to get any really usable metal tones out of my PODxt until I got the Metal Shop model pack installed. But within TEN minutes of messing with those, I was able to get a really good, very usable tone from it. Like I said, the stock models on the PODxt give it a disadvantage...but I mean, install the model packs and you have probably the best modeler on the market to date. It's been proven time and time again, can't really argue with that.

Vox is best for cleans I will admit that. However, I can pull of metal tones on my combo perfectly fine. Maybe the combo is different from the tonelab, I'll give you that benifit of a doubt. I wish I had my amp right now to record something...I'm about to move.

And the whole...biased thing was more of having a preconcieved idea of it before hand. Typically from what I've seen, people are more elitist with multi effects units...

I would also base things a lot on the floor model and not the one you played that was updated. The tonelab has no updates, so play a POD with no updates to get a fair judgement I think....
I'd like to try running my XT into the stereo effect loop returns on one of those Vox ADV120 heads with variable output (2x60w down to 2x1w) and a tube in the power amp. I keep reading vague little references to quality control problems with the Valvetronix line, though, like "I love the tone, but I'm just waiting for it to break :( ". Anybody know how trustworthy they are/aren't?
I've had my Vox Valvetronix 120Watt 1st Gen for a good 3 or 4 years, gigging and moving it around a lot...not a single problem...

I know you're not supposed to change the power setting when it's on. Turn it off then change the power setting. That's the only thing I ever heard, and I followed the advice whether it was true or not and I haven't had a single problem.
Do you use a matching ADV cabinet, or did you go off-brand? I'm curious to know if the head was designed with more full-range-y speakers in mind, like putting a Pod with an Atomic.

Also wondering if you can tell whether the virtual poweramp modelling changes actually take place in the power amp section of the signal chain, or if it's all part of the preamp setting. That is to say, if I were running an external preamp (Pod, rack, etc.) directly into the ADV's fx return, bypassing its internal modelling preamp altogether, would changing the ADV's preamp model from one with a virtual Class A 2xEL84 power section to one with a virtual Class A/B 6x6L6 power section actually change the sound of the fx return signal? I've asked this on other forums, but people either didn't know or I didn't ask the question very well. :cry: