Vrani Volosa official web site

Great stuff -- I enjoyed the song (excellent vocals!) and will be looking out for your full-length album. Never actually heard a Bulgarian band before, I think.
Thanx for the good words, friends! The album will be out in the next few weeks, so you can order it (if you'd like too, hehe!) from Corvus Arma Records. Here is the e-mail:

Hope you will enjoy the other songs too. At the moment we are composing some new songs for a new album and we're looking forward some gigs here and there!
I would like to announce the release date of our album "Where The Heart Burns" - October 31st. You can check out our web site www.vranivolosa.com for more info concerning Vrani Volosa - brand new bio in English, some new pictures, a brand new review by Pagan Herald Magazine and of course the cover artwork of the digipack cd. A song from the album is still available for download. Please check it out!