VST EQ plug.

I'd highly recomend the 1073 to ya brett i've never had a chance to get near a real one to see how it compares; but i can tell you that the top end on the plug in is awesome, really sweet no matter how much you crank it. really nice on.... well everything. but it does use a lot of dsp... gaybar
Just tried it today. I'd rather get the 1081 over the 1073, but yeah both sound good. Don't think I'll go for them though, Pultec and Cambridge are very good already so I'm not sure I need another eq plugin (or if so, I'd need another UAD card), but I shall decide quickly since the offer from UAD is expiring in december...
I still haven't tried either the UAD or the Powercore but my favorite VST eq is called Electri-Q. Link here
Analog HQ mode sounds fucking fantastic on everything. Software can be alittle buggy though.

I like the shelving on the Sonalksis EQ as well as the occasional mid-range boost for guitars. Voxengo GlissEQ ends up on vocals and OHs a lot and I use Equim occasionally when I need a good WYSIWYG EQ that doesn't take a lot of cpu.

PLParEQ sound great too but uses to much cpu for mixing most of the time. I use it a lot for mastering though.
I second the Sonalksis recommendations, the SV-517 is very tasty. The Waves Q is also a go-to EQ, I use it in situations where no color is needed.

I need a wider selection of EQs...also delays. I need to go plug-in shopping.

The Waves SSL stuff is flat out addicting on guitar tracks.
Recently I've been really liking the EQ on the Wavearts Trackplug 5. Mainly for the flexibility... you can pretty much draw in any EQ curve you want, with as many bands, whatever Q, etc. Really useful for picking at bits of guitar tones. Think it's pretty cheap too!